Ficlet: Challenge 33: A Silly Master and His Elf

Aug 30, 2014 19:36

Title:A Silly Master and His Elf |AO3
Characters: Kreacher, Harry Potter, Weasleys
Disclaimer:I own nothing at all.
Word Count:500
A/N:I re-read Deathly Hallows and the end with Kreacher going to fight and then Harry seeking him out struck me. Looked up prompts and found 'regulus' relationship with kreacher was quite complex' and i hope this works with it.
Summery: Ginny is in labour at St Mungos and to the general astonishment to the Weasleys, Kreacher is invited to wait in the waiting room with them. People changed during the wars and the house elf is no exception.

17 +5 = 22 Sam/Claw

creator: ayebydan, *challenge, *tumblr allowed, character: kreacher, rating: pg-13, genre: gen, character: harry potter

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