Title: Walking on a Tightrope Wire
Summary: Don't take me for granted.
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Pansy, background Hermione/Ron, Astoria Greengrass
Rating/Warnings: rating: NC-17 / warnings: mild language, explicit sex, infidelity
Word Count: 1,494
Author’s Notes: Written for
samhain_smut based on the prompt (SPOILERS! highlight to view) *Pansy is tired of being a married woman's plaything on the side and at the Ministry's Halloween Ball (Or insert appropriate Samhain gathering of your choice), she's determined to find a woman who's sexy and single. It's only an added bonus if she can do it within the married woman's sights.* Thank you to
marianna_merlo for the beta. :D Title comes from “I'm walking on a tightrope wire / So afraid to fall” - Ron Pope, Tightrope Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. No copyright infringement is intended.
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