Title: Dreams
Summary: Susan wanders through the hospital wing after the battle
Characters/Pairings: Susan/Theo
Genre: Gen/Romance
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: teen - extreme fluff
Medium: fic
Word Count: 1044
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure, but not my best
Susan spent most days after the war in the hospital wing. She wandered between the beds of the students that were still mending and those that would need to be moved to St. Mungo’s. She could not believe that it had only been two days. They were planning funerals for those that did not make it.
She turned when she heard the moan coming from a bed in the corner. She walked towards the bed and put her hand on his forehead. He was not warm, so it must just be a dream. She just wished that she would be able soothe all of the fears. She knew that her dreams haunted her. She wondered what each one that cried out in the night dreamt of.
She sat down next to his bed. She ran her hands over him, soothing him as best as she could. He moaned again. His brown hair was in his face. She pushed it back on his head and studied his features. She recognized him. Seven years at Hogwarts meant that most her age she recognized. She blended into the background and paid attention to the details.
He turned onto his back and groaned. Susan smiled at him. He was the quiet Slytherin that was always in the shadows with her. He only made an appearance when Malfoy needed him. Beyond that he stayed in the dark, doing his work and studying. It was almost as if he had some other purpose than what most people believed him to have.
She smoothed his hair again, letting the silky softness of it slide through her fingers. She had often studied Theodore. She knew that he was going to be fighting for Voldemort, but then that is what his parents did. All of the students in her year were safe only because they were in school. He had even misdirected attention away from her once.
“I wish I had gotten to know you before the war. Maybe I could have found a way to keep you safe from the wrong side.” Her hand slid down his face. She imagined the dark brown eyes that were beneath the closed lids.
His head turned into her hand. She felt the warm breath on her hands as his sleep settled down. “I wonder what all you had to experience. What is in your dreams that trouble you in the night.”
She slid her hand away from his face and stood up. “Wait.”
She stopped and turned. His eyes were still closed. She thought she had heard him say something, but it had to be her imagination. He was one of the ones scheduled to be moved. He had not woken since he had been in here.
Susan sighed deeply. “Why won’t you wake up, Theo? I’m afraid I will never get the chance to talk to you.” She sat down on his bed beside his legs. Her hand rested on his leg.
She leaned down and kissed him. It was silly, she knew. She kissed him softly praying with the pressure of her lips that he would wake up. She did not know what possessed her. Maybe it was her own dreams of a happily ever after. She had not thought about that with him before.
Susan’s life had been determined before her Hogwarts years were to end. She was going to marry well. She was going to be a flower shop girl. Her husband would work in the Ministry aspiring to be the Minister. Her parents had just not told her who they had picked to be her husband. Sometimes she hated arranged marriages, even though she had understood it all her life.
She pulled back from the kiss and gazed at him again. “Theo, why won’t you wake up? You could wake up and rescue me. I don’t want to marry a Minister. I don’t want to know where my life ends. I want to have hope and dreams. You were a part of that dream at some point. You are the dark mysterious person that I hoped would come out of the shadows and notice me.”
She felt a tear fall down her face. It landed on her hand. “I wish you well when they send you to St. Mungo’s. I pray that they figure out what has kept you asleep and dreaming.”
She leaned down one last time and kissed him again. “Goodbye, Theo. Maybe we will meet again one day.”
She raised up and started to turn. She saw his hand moving across his body towards her. “Wait.” She heard it that time.
She knelt down beside the bed. “Please be waking up!” She took his face in her hands. “Please wake up.” She kissed him again. “I don’t care if it is just a fairytale, but if it works, I’m going to keep on kissing you until you wake up.”
His eyes fluttered opened. He gazed into her big green eyes. She kissed him again.
“Theo. You’re awake. Can you talk you?” She licked her lips.
She went to stand up, but his hand held her shoulder down. It wasn’t much pressure, but enough for her to stay put. “Should I got get Madam Pomfrey for you?”
“No.” His voice was hoarse. “Just you.”
She smiled. “Me?”
“Yes, what I was dreaming of.” He smiled at her.
Susan beamed at him. “Then why didn’t you wake up, silly?”
“I didn’t want it to end.” She clasped his fingers and sat on the bed.
“You do realize that if you had stepped out of the shadows before, I might have been there, right?” She teased him. She could tell he did not have much strength.
“I was afraid that you wouldn’t be there when I woke up.”
“I am here now. I won’t leave. We can walk in the new world together.”
cyn/slytherin/35 points