One short fic, no challenge

Aug 25, 2013 13:33

Title: Curiosity and Comfort in Vampiric Conspiracy
Summary: Cho finds Luna hanging from the ceiling one morning.
Characters/Pairings: Cho and Luna
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G, no warnings.
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 733
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

People often found Luna Lovegood in strange places, and those in Ravenclaw house did so most often. One wouldn't expect there to be very many strange places in one tower, but somehow Luna found them. Cho Chang never took much notice of Luna, but it was hard to ignore a girl hanging upside down from the ceiling. “Er, are you all right, then?” Cho asked, looking up with concern. It was far too early in the morning for odd happenings; Cho was tired, and nervous about her upcoming Quidditch match. Still, her curiosity forbade her from letting things lie.

Luna's long blonde hair swung gently in the air, nearly touching Cho's face. “Oh, hello,” said Luna, peering down over the edge of her magazine. “Is it morning already, then? I didn't think it would go by so quickly.”

“I'm sorry, but I must ask - what are you doing on the ceiling?”

“I was scouting for vampires,” Luna replied. She slipped her wand out and tapped her legs, detaching herself from the ceiling and drifting slowly downward.

Cho stepped aside quickly, to allow a landing space. She was surprised at how graceful Luna could be, spinning in midair and landing safely on her feet. “You ought to be in Quidditch with reflexes like that,” she said. Thinking of the sport brought her feelings down. “You'd be a big improvement over me this year.”

“I far prefer watching Quidditch,” Luna informed her briskly, tucking her wand over her ear and her magazine in her pocket. “In fact, I thought I might apply for the commentator's position, if they will have me. Seems like much fun.”

“Well, if anyone could make that fun, it would be you, Luna,” Cho said. “Are you planning on wearing your eagle feathers again today?”

“Oh, yes,” Luna said, visibly brightening; she bounced on her toes for a moment. “With all the vampire hunting, I completely forgot there was a game today.”

“Why are you hunting vampires?” Cho asked. “I hadn't heard any rumors of vampires in the castle lately.”

“They aren't here yet,” Luna said; she tapped the magazine in her pocket. “But Daddy says there's a takeover in the works. It's all in the latest Quibbler; perhaps I ought to lend it to you, so you can read about it for yourself.”

“Er, no, Luna, I'm afraid I don't have the time,” Cho said, feeling guilty. She didn't believe in any of the Lovegoods' odd conspiracies, but it was so hard saying no, with Luna looking so hopeful.

“No, you wouldn't. You have quite enough to be getting on with; I apologize.” Luna shook her head. “Don't worry; I'll keep a watch out for you.”

“But how, exactly, did you end up on the ceiling? I'm really sorry, but I must know,” Cho said in a rush.

Luna shrugged. “Just a sticking charm,” she said calmly. “Vampires are much more trusting of people upside down. It's their bat instinct. If I stay on the ceiling all right, I can convince them that this place is already taken, and then they're sure to flee. Vampires are highly territorial, you see, and would never wish to invade another clan's space.”

“You sure know a lot about vampires,” Cho said slowly, thinking. She didn't remember learning anything about hanging upside down in DADA, but then again, she hadn't been a normal Defense class in some time.

“How better to protect you than through knowledge?” Luna asked, tilting her head. “Being a Ravenclaw, surely you can understand that.”

Cho smiled at her. “Yes, of course.” She turned, then looked back on a sudden impulse. “Luna, will you come to breakfast with me? I don't think I can manage to eat if I keep dwelling on this Quidditch match; you can distract me by teaching me more about vampires.”

Luna's eyes lit up, and she bounced again excitedly. “Oh, yes, I would love to eat with you! It'll be like a friendship date.” She grinned. “And I do have so many more Quibbler articles I could share with you.”

Cho smiled back, and a sense of warmth filled her. If there was any way to combat her constant stress this school year, it was through making more friends. And no friend could be more distracting - in a good way - than Luna Lovegood. “Come on, then,” Cho said happily, heading for the door. “Let's go.”

733 words = 24 Points for Hufflepuff

character: luna lovegood, creator: bluemermaid, rating: g, character: cho chang, genre: gen, form: fic

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