AUG 4.0: The End of Year 1

Aug 25, 2013 13:22

Title: The End of Year 1
Summary: The Trio's last day of their first year of Hogwarts
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Hermione, Ron
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: g / none
Word Count: 1069
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: nty

When Harry was just a regular boy with a terrible family and clothes that didn't fit, the last day of school just meant that he had one less thing to do during the day. It meant that instead of waking up early to sit in a desk all day, he would wake up early to clean the kitchen. Instead of doodling in his history notebook instead of paying attention, he would zone out while Uncle Vernon yelled at him about something. The days kind of just blended together.

When Hermione was just a regular girl, the last day of school just meant that normal classes were over. She always took at least one summer course. Sometimes she took "fun" classes, like the year she learned to knit. But usually she took additional school classes to keep her mind sharp over the long break. The last day of class just meant she didn't have to deal with the snotty girls who didn't like her for the next couple months.

When Ron was younger, the last day of school meant all his brothers were home for the summer. One year, it meant Charlie could use magic whenever he wanted. Another it meant Percy would talk endlessly about how the professors loved him. The Weasleys learned the basics at home before they went to Hogwarts but Molly granted them a summer break. So on the last day of homeschool, the whole family would have a huge dinner and Ron didn't have to worry about who came up with the restriction on Underage magic or what spell you should use to get grease stains out of your pots.

But Hogwarts wasn't like regular school. While the last day of Hogwarts was full of celebration, it was also tinged with sadness. Sure, there would be no more classes and no more books but it also meant they were saying goodbye to their friends for a couple month.

"I wish we could do magic at home," Harry complained as he threw some things into his trunk.

"Me too! It would make chores so much easier," Ron said.

Harry wasn't thinking of doing his chores -- though he was sure his aunt and uncle had a pile lined up for him. Just that practicing magic was the only way he knew all this was real. Once he returned to Privet Drive, it would be like Hogwarts was just a dream.

"I wish we could stay here over summer break like we can during the holidays."

"I think that would be miserable," Ron disagreed. "I'm sick of studying and writing essays." Forcibly he threw a quill into his own trunk and it snapped in half.

"You should be more careful with your things, Ron," Hermione said from the doorway. Both boys look at her in surprise, still annoyed that she could come up to the boys' dormitory with no problem.

"I'm already done packing, of course. I was hoping you two would be further along so we could get down to the feast."

"I'm not hungry," Harry complained, rolling up a pair of socks.

"Nonsense, you're just pouting because we're going home." She came over to put her hand on his arm. "I know you hate living with your aunt and uncle, Harry, but I at least am a Muggle that they can understand. I can call you all the time."

"I can too, mate!" Ron added enthusiastically. "Hermione promised to show me how to work the fellytone if I promise not to yell into it."

"I don't think they will like me talking to people from school," Harry admitted. "I'm just going to sit in my room all summer and hope it speeds on by."

"I'm not. I'm going to practice my quidditch."

"I'm going to do some reading up on wizarding history to prepare for next years classes. Plus my parents signed me up for a muggle history class so I don't fall behind in case I decide to pursue a muggle career."

Both Ron and Harry looked at her dumbfounded.

"Just in case!" she said defensively. "Now come on! You two can finish packing later. I hear they're serving tiramisu for dessert!"

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds delicious!" Ron said, dropping the supplies in his hand.

"I'll be there in a minute," Harry told them. He watched his friends descend the stairs and waited a few more minutes just to be sure they were gone. Then he continued to pack up his trunk. He didn't want to go have fun with his friends and then have to finish packing. That would just ruin the wonderful afternoon he knew they would have.

When Harry was just an orphan muggle, he sometimes wished he had a long lost relative that would find him and take him away from the Dursleys. Though Hagrid wasn't exactly what he had in mind, he served the purpose well and became a great friend to Harry. But he hadn't realized he would have to return to Privet Drive once the school year ended. How would he be able to deal with them after this? Now that Harry knew people actually cared about him, how could he live in a house with people who despised him?

When he arrived in the Great Hall, Ron had already cleaned a plate and was working on another. Harry still didn't feel like he had much of an appetite so instead he just pushed some potatoes around on his plate.

"It won't be for very long," Hermione said in a soft voice. "Summer will go by so quickly, you'll see."

"I just really don't want to go back," he confided in her. "It will be miserable."

"At least you know you have friends here, right?" she said with a smile and reached over to pat his hand. "I know that will help me. I didn't have many muggle friends when I was in a school so I was always glad when it was over and dreaded going back. But now I know I have you and Ron and I can't wait till school starts again."

Harry smiled, "I see what you mean, Hermione. I'm glad we're friends."

"Me too, Harry!" Ron said through a mouthful of chips. "But I still can't wait for summer."

They all laughed at that and Harry resolved not to be sad for the rest of the day.

1069 words/30 = 36 points

character: ron weasley, rating: g, character: hermione granger, !saturday special, creator: caitieness, character: harry potter

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