Ten Drabble Challenges

Aug 17, 2013 13:46

Title: Ten Drabble Challenges
Characters/Pairings: Various
Genre: Mostly gen, a couple romance
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: All rated G
Medium: Drabbles
Word Count: Each drabble is between 98-100 words.
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thanks.

Summary: Drabble Challenge 26: Weddings
Characters/Pairings: Zacharias/Marietta
Word Count: 100

They both hated romance, and had spent their Hogwarts years laughing and gagging at the couples who held hands at Madam Puddifoot's. They both hated romance, and so their wedding planning had been short and simple: they would do the least amount of fluff possible.

They both hated romance, but when Marietta saw the gown in the window of Twilfit and Tattings, she felt a tugging in her heart. They both hated romance, but when Zacharias saw the flowers in his mother's garden, he hesitated. They both hated romance, but when Marietta came down the aisle, both of them cried.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 55: Stairwell
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Hermione
Word Count: 100

The stairs were covered in books. Harry raised his eyebrows in concern. “Er, what is all this, Hermione?” he asked. He'd always known that she was obsessed with reading, but he'd never seen so many books in one place before that wasn't a library.

“The books?” Hermione looked back at him. “I'm just making room on my shelves for some new titles. Did you know there's a new edition of the Spellman's Syllabary coming out? They've discovered a new set of runes in a cave out in Spain, isn't that fascinating?”

Quickly, Harry was sorry he'd asked the question.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 72: “Pink ribbon scars that never forget.” - Today by Smashing Pumpkins
Characters/Pairings: Neville
Word Count: 99

Things were happy now. Neville smiled when he was in the greenhouses, teaching. As a child he never thought he could make anything of himself, and it was a relief to be here, beside his Hannah, doing something worthwhile with his time.

He could look in the mirror and be proud of himself for his success. He could ignore the scars that snaked around his body, markers of another time, when he had done other, equally worthwhile things. But there was more than one way to be proud of oneself, and Neville would choose the happier one, every time.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 75: Petunia/Sirius
Characters/Pairings: Petunia/Sirius
Word Count: 99

They didn't care about one another, but it didn't matter, when the lights were off and they could simply pretend, eyes shut tight and lips pressed together and quiet, always quiet, so that the wrong names might not slip from their mouths.

Sirius didn't care she was a Muggle, in fact it was better that way, a safer reason for this dalliance, rebellion against his family, for they would murder him if they knew. He could laugh about that, and hide from his jealousy, the same exact sort of jealousy that made Petunia cling to him just as tightly.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 84: Filch really, really likes snow
Characters/Pairings: Filch
Word Count: 99

He waited for the children to go to bed, though it was difficult, seeing those icy flakes passing by outside the windows. He kept his scowl on, for it would not do to be seen in the snow by the children. Fear of their caretaker kept him in his position of power, and he would not let that get away.

But at night, when the brats were asleep, then Filch could escape into the snowdrifts, and grin for all he was worth, as he made snowmen and threw snowballs at the castle walls. Winter was such a joyous season.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 90: Professor Slughorn does not only like crystallized pineapple
Characters/Pairing: Slughorn
Word Count: 98

Every year it was the exact same thing; dozens of students, hopeful to be let into the Slug Club, would gift Professor Slughorn with cauldrons and cauldrons full of crystallized pineapple, knowing that it was his favorite treat.

His study would be filled to the brim with the stuff, and Slughorn found himself faced once again with the prospect of pineapple dinners, breakfasts and lunch. Drowning in the dried fruit, Slughorn sighed again and looked mournfully up at the ceiling, praying that next year he would finally be able to let his secret love of cockroach clusters known.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 91: Who doesn't love Nifflers?
Characters/Pairings: Narcissa/Lucius, Draco
Word Count: 100

“Happy Christmas, Father!” Young Draco shoved the package into his father's arms, where the Niffler within was already whining and poking its nose out. “It's a Niffler! Who doesn't love Nifflers?”

“Oh, dear,” said Narcissa, as she caught sight of the horror dawning in Lucius's eyes.

It only took two hours for Draco to learn who doesn't love Nifflers, as the creature in question quickly tore apart Lucius's stash of old money and jewels. “Who doesn't love Nifflers?” Lucius sneered, as he booted the animal out of the Manor.

Draco would be more cautious in his future gifts.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 96: Merope Gaunt
Characters/Pairings: Merope, Tom Riddle Sr.
Word Count: 98

She first saw him on a beautiful spring afternoon, as he was taking a leisurely stroll that happened to pass right by her home.

Peering out the dirty window, Merope watched the handsome young man walking, whistling to himself with his hands in his trouser pockets. “Oh, dear, what a disgusting little hovel,” he remarked, upon seeing the Gaunt home in the shadows. “I must have a word with Father about removing this eyesore from the neighborhood.”

Cheeks burning with shame, Merope slid out of sight, vowing someday to escape, and have such a handsome man for herself.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 103: The sea is calling
Characters/Pairings: Luna
Word Count: 99

She'd spent too long in England, where the masses were closed-minded and ignorant, where her hopes and dreams were met with sniggers of derision. Although she had friends now, friends who believed in her, still her imagination took her far away from the hills of her homeland, out to some distant place where all the unnamed creatures lived.

Luna chartered a boat two days after her twentieth birthday, and set sail upon the sea, beaming into the ocean breeze and dreaming, seeking the Crumple-Horned Snorkack and all the other magical things awaiting her out in the grand, wide world.


Summary: Drabble Challenge 107: Up in the air
Characters/Pairings: Ron/Hermione
Word Count: 99

“Is this thing safe?” Hermione asked.

“'Course it is,” Ron replied. “There's been no accidents that we know of.”

Hermione huffed. “We're supposed to be enjoying our holiday and you've taken me up far too high on a flying carpet, telling me there's been no accidents 'that we know of.' You are such rubbish at being romantic.”

“Hermione,” Ron said, and gestured out towards the horizon, where they could see a gorgeous sunset. The carpet slowed beneath them.

“Oh,” said Hermione, her cheeks reddening slightly. “I suppose I'll be all right for a moment longer.”

Ten drabbles at ~100 words each = 30 points
Ten challenges * 5 points each = 50 points
Total: 80 Points for Hufflepuff

character: luna lovegood, character: draco malfoy, *challenge, form: drabble, character: petunia dursley, creator: bluemermaid, rating: g, character: zacharias smith, character: hermione granger, character: argus filch, character: ron weasley, character: neville longbottom, character: merope gaunt, genre: romance, character: marietta edgecombe, character: sirius black, character: narcissa black-malfoy, character: lucius malfoy, genre: gen, character: horace slughorn, character: harry potter

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