FIC - NO CHALLENGE: Priorities

Aug 16, 2013 01:32

Title: Priorities
Pairing: Lily Luna Potter/Cho Chang
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/language
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 405
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No.

“You bitch.” Cho froze in the doorway and turned back to her erstwhile lover, her hurt plain.

“You fucking heard me, Cho. Just because you have a family doesn’t mean you can treat me like shite.”

“We simply have different priorities, Lily. You knew that. You knew my girls and my husband…”

“Don’t.” Lily’s voice cut harshly over Cho’s protests. “I get that you have responsibilities at home. I fucking get it, OK? But don’t use them as an excuse to walk out on me like this. If they were such a priority for you, you never should have fucking got together with me in the first place!”

Lily collapsed into a nearby chair, forlornly looking at the bed where she and Cho had been not twenty-four hours before. Memories of soft kisses and tender looks flooded her mind, and she lowered her face to drawn-up knees to hide her tears.

Through long red strands of hair, Lily saw Cho kneel beside the chair.

“Lily, darling, I need to do this. I can’t keep hurting my family like this. They deserve to have me home with them.”

Lily raised red-rimmed green eyes to Cho’s soft brown ones. “And me, Cho? Where do I fit in?”

Cho swallowed and seemed to choke on tears. “I don’t know, Lily. You know how much I care about you, how much I lo...” It was Cho’s turn to lower her face.

Lily broke. “If you can’t…if you don’t…Cho, please…if you’re going to l-leave me, please do it. I can’t h-handle you being here and not being allowed…” Lily fell silent.

Cho nodded, tears running down her cheeks. “I…understand.” She stood and walked softly to the door.

“Please know how much I love you,” she whispered before leaving.

Lily sank from the chair to the floor and curled her arms around her knees. She sat silently for what felt like hours, her mind running back over the last three months, months full of passion, dancing, endless sex, and love. She had known about Michael and the kids, but somehow thought that love would conquer all. Bullshite. All of it. What had happened to her? Lily had prided herself on her strength and stamina, her self-reliance and independence. Cho had swept into her life and turned her fucking soft. She needed to get her strength back, become herself again.

Tomorrow. She would become herself again tomorrow. Tonight was for tears and memories.

At my journal:
At AO3:


creator: nathalieweasley, rating: pg-13, character: cho chang, form: fic

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