6 haikus

Aug 10, 2013 00:13

Title: Harry Potter
Summary: poem challenge 6 (haikus)
Characters/Pairings: ginny
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 6 poems less than 100 words

she is kissed by fire
some say red hair is lucky
it's normal for her

her whole family
is full of red-headed peeps
how is that lucky?

ginny tries to change
her hair to white blonde one time
it doesn't look good

her brothers call her
a malfoy for a whole week
before she goes back

still, she doesn't like
the red locks around her face
and wishes for change

perhaps dark chestnut
or bubblegum pink like Tonks
but her mum would cry

6 challenge x 5 = 30 points for Hufflepuff

form: poetry, *challenge, character: ginny weasley, creator: caitieness

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