Title: Withering Wishes- Chapter One
Summary: Longing to escape the monotonous life of a useless society wife, Bellatrix wished for nothing more than to join the Dark Lord. However, when her wish was granted, unpredictable events transpire. One 'man' was the cause. Based on a Greek Myth
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Voldemort, Bellatrix/Rodolphus and also with a focus on Rabastan
Genre: Starting out with a ship focus (but certainly not romance) and steadily becoming more dramatic
Rating/Warnings: R for inappropriate religious illusions, sex, violence, adultery.
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 2,966
Author's Notes: For the Big Bang based on the Greek myth of Antiope, but if you would like to not be spoiled. This is only chapter one of seven. More information inside
Chapter One-Gazing Upon a God Caitlin/Hufflepuff/99