HiH Holiday Exchange - Gift Round-Up And Final Words!

Dec 30, 2011 01:21

Art by Ayne

Well, this is it, folks - the last post from me about the HiH Holiday Exchange! :) I hope everyone has had a good time participating, and I hope that everyone has enjoyed the gift that came up for them. Thank you to everyone for everything you've done to make the Exchange a success (or what I think was a success, lol). And extra special thanks to our wonderful pinch hitters (you know who you are!) for stepping in at the last minute and creating some fabulous gifts for their fellow HiHers. ♥

As far as I know, everyone who signed up to participate (even those who had to back out before the deadline) now has a gift for them here at hh_sugarquill! If for some reason you signed up but did not receive a gift, please PM me and we'll fix that right up. I don't think this is the case - I've been pretty diligent - but you never know what will slip through the cracks.

And now, something that will hopefully make it easier to find both your gift and other gifts you might want to see - an alphabetized (by recipient) list of all the fics and art created in this year's HiH Holiday Exchange. :)

All Gifts in the 2011 HiH Holiday Exchange
For ablackmagician: Seven Steps to a Pureblood Marriage by alley_skywalker (Fic, Lucius/Narcissa, PG)
For alley_skywalker: Baby's First Broom by thusspakekate (Fic, Lucius/Narcissa, PG)
For astrophelind: Another Fine Mess by native_spirit (Fic, Remus/Tonks, PG)
For bellariddle: Four Moments That Defined Bellatrix's Life by ablackmagician (Fic, Bellatrix/Rodolphus & Bellatrix/Voldemort, R)
For borg_princess: To Fix a Friend by lotrangel17 (Fic, Hermione/Snape friendship, PG)
For caesaria: Revenge is a Snowball Best Served Cold by frickkonastick (Fic, Marauders gen with some Remus/Sirius, PG)
For caitieness: Don't Let Me Forget by caitriona_3 (Fic, Harry/Hermione, PG-13)
For caitriona_3: Four Things There Isn't Enough Time To Say & One Thing There Is (Gift 1) by herbeautifullie (Fic, Draco/Hermione, PG-13)
For caitriona_3: Precious Things (Gift 2) by herbeautifullie (Fic, Draco/Hermione, PG-13)
For capeofstorm: All I Want For Christmas Is You by flipflop_diva (Fic, Harry/Hermione, PG)
For daydream_girl_x: Santa Baby by caesaria (Fic, Ron/Hermione, PG)
For deirdre_aithne: A Very Good Holiday by yasonablack (Art, Hermione/Lavender, R)
For flipflop_diva: Hiding Out by caitieness (Fic, Neville/Luna, PG)
For flyingharmony: Lucissa by misskitty373 (Art, Lucius/Narcissa, G)
For frickkonastick: Mistletoe by kissoffools (Fic, James/Lily, PG)
For hbics: Inside My Heart, There's a Picture of a Girl by borg_princess (Fic, Luna/Cho, G)
For herbeautifullie: Pride, Paramours & Ancient Runes by xfortytwo (Fic, Scorpius/Rose, PG)
For holiday_reading: Luna and her Ukulele by n_nanini (Art, Luna, G)
For huushiita: And Winter Came by capeofstorm (Fic, Harry/Snape, PG)
For kitrinlu: Runaway by vorpaleris (Fic, Percy gen, PG)
For lightwithstars: Five Gestures of Pureblooded Goodwill by anbyrobanby (Fic, multiple pairings, PG-13)
For lotrangel17: The Best Presents by c_hrista (Fic, Snape/Hermione & Draco/Harry, PG)
For mandyloo: Three Holiday Pictures by holiday_reading (Art, James/Lily, Scorpius/Rose & Ron/Hermione, PG)
For mary_greenman: Before After by hbics (Fic, one-sided Hermione/Ginny, G)
For misskitty373: Luna by muffinpatronus (Art, Luna, G)
For mmailliw: More Than Roses And Romance by bellariddle (Fic, Bellatrix/Rodolphus, PG-13)
For muffinpatronus: Merry Memories by smash_leigh (Fic, Neville/Luna, PG)
For n_nanini: Christmas Dinner by mandyloo (Fic, Lily & Severus gen, G)
For native_spirit: Misery by signe_chan (Fic, Remus/Tonks & Tonks/Scabior, PG-13)
For pinksonia: Peaceful Ponderings by lightwithstars (Fic, McGonagall gen, G)
For signe_chan: Snowflake by raphaellover (Fic & art, Draco/Neville, PG-13)
For singlemomsummer: A Christmas Baby by signe_chan (Fic, Draco/Harry, R)
For slumber: Draco Malfoy's Sorting by mmailliw (Fic, Draco gen, G)
For smash_leigh: The Aftermath is Peace by operagirl25 (Fic, Neville/Luna, PG)
For starianprincess: Mistletoe Wars by pinksonia (Art, Draco/Hermione, PG)
For thusspakekate: Interludes by slumber (Fic, Draco/Pansy, PG-13)
For tiptoedbow: Little Things by d_andru (Fic, Harry/Snape, PG)
For vorpaleris: Reflections by singlemomsummer (Fic, Lupin gen, G)
For xfortytwo: Days of Christmas by ivory88s (Fic, Draco/Hermione, G)
For yasonablack: Inked by tiptoedbow (Fic, Harry/Snape, R)
[if there are any problems with this list - wrong links or names or something - let me know!]

There is a huge variety of pairings and ratings here - something for everyone, if you ask me! So definitely take the time to peruse the list and check out the hard work everyone's put in for the exchange. I sincerely hope everyone had fun participating and liked the gift they received in return!

I've also noticed that there are a good few of you (I know who you are~) who haven't yet commented on your gift. I'm hoping this just means you hadn't noticed it was posted yet, and that you'll immediately run off and do so now! :) Even if your gift isn't exactly what you were hoping for, please keep in mind that someone worked very hard and put a lot of thought into making something for you. At the risk of sounding like your parents, it's incredibly rude not to at least say thank you for a gift you've been given. So pop by your gift and show some love for the person who's worked hard for you this holiday!

And with that, I think this is the last you'll hear from me on this year's HiH Holiday Exchange! Thank you again to everyone who worked hard and put together some fantastic holiday gifts for their fellow HiHers. :D I hope you all had fun!

Happy holidays, everyone. ♥

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