Poetry Challenge #6 Haiku

Dec 18, 2011 23:59

Title: Second Chances
Summary: 10 angsty haiku of Snape growing up.
Characters/Pairings: Snape/Lily. References to others.
Rating/Warnings: G

Watching from afar,
Maybe you should talk to her?
Watch for her sister.

Sit in the carriage,
Don't mind those other boys, but
Don't let down your guard.

The first weekend in
Dorm-mates learn she's Muggle-born,
Don't you feel bad?

They don't like your tone,
Leave you thrown out to the wolves,
And his dorm-mates, too.

You've never sought help
Refuge in a library book
Dark Arts make you dream.

Give her Potions tips
Walk down to the lake.

All our friends judge us
It's us against the world now
Like it's always been.

Hormones pumping hard
Testosterone takes control
"Mudblood" just made sense.

Now it's all too late,
Pushed her right into his arms
Not one backward glance.

Your friends take you in.
Slytherin is your true home:
Her home is her tomb.

The second chance won't come.
You regret talking to her?
Watch over her son.

Rob//Gryffindor//50 points GET!!

creator: anbyrobanby, character: severus snape

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