Dec 04, 2011 14:15

Title: Various Haiku (11)
Summary: Haiku about Albus Dumbledore
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: Varies - each probably under 20

1-11. Title: The Life and Times of Dumbles.
Characters/Pairings: Albus Dumbledore

01 Albus Dumbledore:
the most powerful wizard
in his own era.

02 He was the only
one that Voldemort had feared
and with good reason.

03 Bearded with long white,
did he ever get his food
stuck in the thick hairs?

04 His eyes would twinkle
with his dastardly plotting.
Much like Fred and George.

05 With quite the sweet tooth,
I wonder how his smile was
with all that sugar.

06 People whispered of
him and Minerva McGoo.
I never saw it.

07 His dalliance with
Gellert Grindelwald was
not popular fact.

08 Come on, admit it.
Albus was definitely
a snazzy dresser.

09 I wish I had his
fashion sense -- and a pair of
sparkly purple robes.

10 I'm just going to
pretend that he never fell
from that tall tower.

11 Albus Dumbledore,
almost so invincible.
Y U GET DED, Y!??!

11 haikus @ 5 points
[poetry challenge: 5 points]
55 51 points for Gryffindor! [maxed for the week]

Christa // Gryffindor

form: poetry, creator: dontjudgeme, rating: g, character: albus dumbledore

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