Haiku Poetry - Challenge No. 6

Sep 13, 2011 14:01

Title: 25 random haiku poems
Summary: Mostly cracky, some silly, not a one is serious. All sorts of topics. Notable: quidditch, charms class, and making sure Seamus doesn't meet a fiery death... again.
Characters/Pairings: no specific pairings (other than me/oliver wood)
Genre: varied
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: i get a little saucy with the language but nothing to get a Howler about
Word Count: 320

1. animagus = srs bsns

Llamas are a fun
Animagus form to have.
Spit. Spit. Llama. Duck?

2. Hogwarts = zoo?

Rhinos and llamas
Are not usually friends.
Hogwarts is diff’rent.

3. Seamus entertain us!

Charms class is boring
Seamus needs extinguishing.
Charms class is funny.

4. About balls

Quidditch is crazy.
Brooms, balls, shiny objects all.
He-he - I said balls.

5. Effing Snitch

Catch the damn snitch!
Darn golden wings fluttering -
Need moar points always.

6. Chasin’

‘Get it in!’ you say
‘You need to score!’ they bellow
Chasin’ aint easy.

7. Beatin’
‘Hit that, bro!’ they yell
‘Pound ‘em good and hard’ they chant
Beatin’ aint easy.

8. Need Moar Time

OWL, Newt, troble are they all.
Need a time turner.


Parchment and ink wells
Cats, toads, and lots of fun pranks
Hogwarts dorms are home

10. Don’t Tell #1

Someone fed Neville
A nasty boil potion
Don’t tell the Prefects

11. Don’t Tell #2

Curtains are ablaze
Get the fire extinguisher
Don’t tell the Prefects

12. TELL!

Voldie’s in the Great Hall!
All the Professors are gone!
Quick! Tell the Prefects!

13. Mr. Krumm is Yumm

What is luck, pray tell?
Luck is studying alone
And meeting Mr. Krumm

14. Don’t tell Christa

Viktor Krumm loves her
But she loves Ronald Weasley
Her brain is addled.

15. I lurve Oliver

Mr. Oliver Wood
Mr. Poster on my veiling
Uses his broom quite well

16. Sassy Hat

Sorting the kiddies
Getting all up in their brains
Changing their future

17. Hogsmeade

Hogsmeade weekend fun
Sweet. Treats. Buying things in stores.
Yo, Peace out Hogwarts.

18. Astronomy Class

Look at the stars
Look at all the galaxies
Astronomy class.

19. Ode to Umbridge

Umbridge was a bitch.
Umbridge wasn’t a good witch.
We need an upgrade.

20. Face hairs

Dumbledore’s beardy.
He has a lot of face hair.
And I mean a LOT.

21. Leviosahhhhhh

If I went to Charms
I would lev-i-o-sahhhh the
Shit out of that class.

22. Bernie’s Revenge

Tripe, peppermint stick
Earwax, butterscotch, and melon.
Alas! A bogey.

23. Awk.

Super awkward, yes?
When the Dark Lord hugs you close?
Just ask Draco. He knows.

24. Puff

Puff Puff Puff Puff Puff
Hey - is that a train I hear?
Nope - just HufflePUFFS.

25. TROLL!

There’s a troll in here.
Where are the first year students?
They will save us all.

25 haiku @ 5pts/ea = 125 points for Gryffindor!


form: poetry, creator: emptyhanded09, genre: humor, character: hufflepuffs, rating: pg, rating: pg-13, character: albus dumbledore, character: oliver wood, character: gryffindors, character: dolores umbridge

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