Aug 22, 2011 07:30

Title: A Harry Potter Haiku
Summary: 21 haikus of the wizarding world.
Characters/Pairings: Snape, Harry, Hagrid, Sirius, Crookshanks, McGonagall, Grawp, Hedwig
Genre: gen
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Word Count: 275

At the park --
the red-haired girl has left
but the swing still swinging

Five, four, three, two, one
and the miserable shack
quacks with a loud BOOM

The early hours --
a black dog and a ginger cat
walking silently

Silence in the hut
the whistling wind could be heard
"I'm a what?" Harry gasps

The dark purple sky
a white owl, like a star,
soaring gracefully

Early rays of sun
bathe the boy with the lightning scar
and two wands in his hands

A distant thunder
fret not, my friend, it's not storm
only hungry Grawp

The golden full moon
in the grass below, a mouse
scurries out of sight

On stormy weather
fourteen brooms streaks and fly by
nothing can stop them

Dull, gray, morning sky
on the street of Privet Drive
a cat reads a map

A fox at the banks
of a smelly river stream
minds its own business

Swift breeze in the night
the baby in the basket
rolls over in his sleep

Summer grasses
the chickens and the gnomes dance
on The Burrow's yard

Summer parade
A rocket and a catherine wheel
mates in the air

In the dark forest --
illuminating the night
a silver doe soars

Moonlit night
from the wreck, abandon shack
a howling ensues

Hottest summer day
lying behind the Hydrangea bushes
is no fun at all

Swift breeze
silent in the forest
but Mars sure looks bright today

Hot summer
at the yard, the boy painted the fence
and the sun burnt his back

Autumn twilight
A Thestral flies silently
above the forest

Morning breeze,
the clear sky above
perfect for playing Quidditch

21 haiku x 5 points = 105 points

Title: The Abandoned Boys
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle
Medium: Pencil

Title: Childhood
Characters: Lily Evans, Sverus Snape
Medium: Pencil

2 Elaborate Sketches x 10 points = 20 points

Total 125 points for Hufflepuff

Nan || Hufflepuff

form: elaborated sketch, form: poetry, *challenge, character: minerva mcgonagall, character: sirius black, character: hedwig, rating: g, creator: n_nanini, form: art, rating: pg, character: rubeus hagrid, character: crookshanks, character: severus snape, character: harry potter

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