Aug 21, 2011 12:57

Title: A Collection Of Haikus
Summary: A collection of random haikus. Focussing mainly on how I see Hogwarts.
Characters/Pairings: Various, Harry/Hedwig, Ron/Hermione, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Slughorn, Hagrid, Draco, Umbridge, Fluffy, Colin Creevy...
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Medium: Poetry/Haikus
Word Count: ~300 words

Try pumpkin pasties
Now what you waiting for?
They taste delicious

Professor Slughorn
He likes to collect people
Will Harry let him?

Where's Colin Creevy?
Is he taking more photos?
No he's petrified

Neville Longbottom
The bravest of them all
Is ignored often

Dumbledore's army
secret organisation
meet at the Hog's Head

Hermione and Ron
Together until the end
Fighting for their love

Every flavour beans
Those Bertie botts jelly beans
Eat them if you dare

Hermonie can't draw
When Ron buys her an easel
She steals his candy

Who loves a quaffle?
Just ten points is not enough
Oooh! There goes the snitch!

Harry Potter loves
Zefron the most however
Goyle disagrees

Delores Umbridge
Always punishing people
She dislikes half-breeds

Some people say that
Umbridge looks similar to
Voldy in a dress

Lions and badgers
And eagles and snakes! What a
Magnificent crest!

Hedwig is an owl
The most prettiest of owls
Harry loves her lots

Harry Potter is
One of the only kids who
Looks forward to school

Beware of Spoilers
Because Snape kills Dumbledore
Hope you've read that book...

Hagrid looks scary
But he is really just a
Giant teddy bear

The Marauder's Map
What could be better than this?
Oh yeah, Potter's cloak

The Shrieking Shack
Does it actually shriek?
Cowards never know

Draco does not like
Being at Hogwarts he would
Rather be on Mars

Thestrals are things you
Never want to see because
It means you've seen death

Fluffy has three heads
Soft music makes fluffy sleep
Beware when it stops!

House elves live to serve
But do they love to serve too?
Do not ask Granger!

There were seven books
Eight movies, two musicals
One grin on my face

The battle was done
It was finally over
They could sleep in peace

125 points for Hufflepuff

form: poetry, character: draco malfoy, *challenge, character: colin creevy, creator: samelthecamel, character: hedwig, rating: g, character: fluffy, character: hermione granger, character: rubeus hagrid, character: horace slughorn, character: neville longbottom, character: harry potter

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