4 drabble challenges, 1, 4,5, 89 and fic challenge 14

May 08, 2011 23:21

Title:Returning to Normality
Pairing:Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Disclaimer:I own nothing. <3
Word Count:557
A/N:Fic challenge 14 Write a fic set in Diagon Alley
Summery:After the war, people must return to normal, even if that is just going to Diagon Alley for ice-cream.

Ron twitches in his seat and pulls at his collar a third time in a minute. It feels strange to be sitting out in public again, so open and exposed. He’s used to being outside but not being surrounded by people because being on the run, things had been so quiet. He hadn’t realised that before. There is a big part of him that is almost afraid and somehow it doesn’t feel right to be sitting at this cafe waiting on Hermione when there is so much to get done. But the things they need to do are about rebuilding their lives and maybe it starts here with something that looks vaguely like normality.

Hermione Apparates into the shadows between two shops on the other side of the street and glances around warily before stepping out into the street and it seems so obvious to Ron that she is the same. She hadn’t let go yet either. Reaching Ron, the serious expression fades from Hermione’s face and she reaches around to awkwardly kiss him on the cheek before sitting down opposite him,

“Sorry I’m a little late. I just wanted to double check a reference before I left,” Hermione gushes, smiling gently as Ron just laughs softly.

“Never change, Hermione. I know what I want, by the way. It took me a while cause, ice-cream is very serious, you know,” he teases and Hermione can’t help giggling at him as she grabs the menu and starts reading. Parts of them are so different, and yet parts remain the same.

“You just love food Ron, all food is serious to you. Did you speak to Harry about Ginny’s birthday?”

Ron rolls his eyes and nods, “Yeah, he’s getting proper worked up over it all so he is. She will just be happy he is there and not in danger so there is no point getting into a state.”

Hermione just looks at him over the top of the menu before the waiter appears at her elbow and takes their orders and Ron can’t help but feel reprimanded, “ Honestly Ron, he just wants to make it perfect for her. You’re lucky your sister has someone that is so good to her. There is nothing wrong with that and Harry isn’t exactly known for being good with girls.”

“This is very true.”

“Neither do you for that matter. It took you four years to even realise I was a girl!” she teases and her laughter is something Ron doesn’t ever think he will take for granted again because for so long it had been so rare.

“Oi, you! We hadn’t really noticed girls at all until just before that stupid ball! No need to remind a man of his faults.”

“Oh, okay then. Have you got Ginny a birthday present yet?”

“I have actually. Don’t be cheeky! She’s seventeen now so I knew I had to, well, remember for a start, and get something nice,” Ron remarks as their ice-cream arrives.

Hermione just shakes her head and digs in. They eat their ice-cream and chat away about things that don’t really matter all that much and only look up a few times to make sure things are ok and maybe, just maybe, things can go back to something resembling normal after all. Maybe not right now, but someday.

Character:Mundungus Fletcher
Disclaimer:I own nothing
Word Count:100
A/N:Drabble challenge 1: Mundungus Fletcher
Summery:Mundungus took what he wanted from the Black house. Sirius didn't need it anymore.

Mundungus is an opportunist. He has never denied that and he never will. If there is a chance to make even a knut then he’s there. So when the opportunity to plunder the House of Black presents itself to him, he can’t say no. Gold, gold, and more gold and he throws it into sack after sack until he is almost giddy with anticipation. Just wait till he hits Diagon Alley with this lot. Yet something stops him as he’s about to leave. Sirius was a good man. But good man or bad man, Sirius didn’t need this stuff anymore.

Title:Fears of a War Wife
Pairing:Tonks/Remus Lupin
Disclaimer:I own nothing.
Word Count:100
A/N:drabble challenge 4: Tonks
Summery:Tonks doesn't understand why Remus can't just be happy.

I don’t understand why he can’t be happy. I know that he worries this child will be like him, but does he have to be so unhappy that he married? I feel worthless, tainted and not because I’m with him like he thinks but because he acts as if he doesn’t want to be anywhere near me. It is like I repulse him for the child that’s growing inside me. The child that I love and can’t wait to meet. The child that I fear will be resented by their own father. I don’t understand why we can’t be happy.

Title:Reality's Dangers
Characters:Dursley family.
Disclaimer:I own nothing.
Word Count:100
A/N:drabble challenge 89: Dursleys at Hogwarts
Summery:Death Eaters find the Dursleys and they are moved to Hogwarts for their protection. [does not fit canon obv]

Everything was meant to be over and done with when they left Surrey. And yet here they were, surrounded by freaks again, being pulled towards what they were told was the boy’s school. Of course, Petunia had noticed the strangely dressed men who appeared to be watching them, and Vernon had put it down to the country going to the dogs but she knew better. Wizards. They had found them or thought they had, and wanted to see if Potter would come to them. The thought made her laugh, but the reality put her in danger. So here they were.

Title:Being Somebody
Characters:Percy Weasley
Disclaimer:I own nothing.
Word Count:100
A/N:drabble challenge 4: Percy during Hogwarts
Summery:Percy knows what his brothers think and it hurts but he's doing it for a reason.

It hurt, being called the stuck up one or the stick in the mud by his own family. He just wanted to better himself and there was nothing wrong with that no matter what Fred and George and Ronald may think. He was appointed Prefect for a reason and he had made his mum so proud by doing it. He wanted to go places and do things like Bill had and he wanted to do it at the Ministry so a good school record was essential, supposed stick in the mud or not. And one day they might even understand.

4 drabbles @ 3pts each = 12 points
1 fic 557/30 = 19 points
5 challenges @ 5pts each = 25 points

Sam//Hufflepuff//56 points

character: remus lupin, *challenge, character: petunia dursley, character: percy weasley, character: hermione granger, form: fic, creator: ayebydan, character: ron weasley, character: mundungus fletcher, character: nymphadora tonks, rating: pg-13

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