ss # 01, Ron and Rose

May 07, 2011 11:57

Title: Ron and Rose
Summary: Ron tries to get his newborn daughter to sleep.
Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley, Rose Weasley
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G; none (except that I wrote this with my eyes closed and its a little painful to read)
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 530

Ron was crying.

Hoenstly, Ron was sobbing. Sobbing hysterically.

He hadn’t slept in hours and hours and hours.

And he was trying to give his poor wife abreak, letting her sleep for a few minutes while he tried to look after their baby girl.

Dear, sweet, beautiful Rose. Who wouldn’t stop crying for two seconds.

The nights the past three weeks had been almost unbearavbe, even for Ron who didn’t have to wake up every two hours to nurse the baby. Rose just seemed to need to be held, and rocked, and nursed and changed constantly. Even nos he was just walking back and forth, holding her in his arms and saying “Shh” over and over again.

It didn’t seem to helop.

Nothing seemd to help.

But poor Hermione had gotten even less sleep than Ron had and he felt guilty about it. When they were pregnant and expecting Rose, this was not at all what they had planned. HE really had thought she would sleep through the night right off the bat and wouldn’t need too much attention.

How hard could ababy be? He thought. How much could our lives really change? He wondered.

But not, now he knew. And his daughter was apparently experience colic and for all the magic he and his wife and all of his friends and family possessed there wasn’t really anything they could do for her.

Not for colic. For cradle cap and upset tummy and indigestion and heartburbn, sure, there were ltos of choices. But colic? Nope.

And so he continued to pace, back and forth, hoping something would help her.

Amazingly ,surprisingly, without warning, his three week old daughter nuzzled into his neck and stopped crying. Her fingers tightened around the color of his shirt and she stilled completely.

Ron was afraid to breathe, but her stopping her tears forced him to stop his tears. He comtinued walking back and forth, up and down, rubbing her back and whispering “Shh” but otherwise did not mov her.

She was asleep.

It was amazing.

The feel of her small, warm little body against his chest…the quiet peacefulness that filled the air. It was breathtaking.

This is why they had watned a baby. He knew it cold be this sweet. He knew it could be this special.

For the first time since she was born, when he had taken her from the nurse’s arms and she had stopped crying - for the first time since then, he felt like father.

Carefully, quietly, he moved towards the rocking chair. With all the gentleness he could muster, he sat down, cuddling his infant daughter closer to him.

He could feel her take a breath against him and it melted his heart. She was everything to him. She was absoultey everything.

And somehow, someway, they were going to get through this.

After all, he was super dad! HE could get her to fall asleep, as long as he had a few moments to sob.

But as soon as he got comfortable in the rocking chair, it was like she could sense it. She knew he was content and comftable and sitting.

Because she opened her mouth and screamed.

530/30 = 17.666 = 18 points for Hufflepuff!

character: rose weasley, character: ron weasley, rating: g, creator: touchofviolet, !saturday special, genre: gen, form: fic

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