Ficlet Challenge #60: A pureblood is forced to cook a foreign Muggle dish

May 06, 2011 23:16

Title: Pureblood Cooking
Summary: Ficlet Challenge #60: A pureblood is forced to cook a foreign Muggle dish
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Genre: Slash
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: PG for some innuendo
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 745

Draco threw down the cookbook in exasperation. Seriously how could Harry expect him to cook a meal like this? Yes, he was playing the role of the good little housewife, but Harry knew he didn’t like to cook. He’d just as soon order takeaway any day. But no, Harry was planning an important business meeting for his charity here at their home and he insisted that Draco prepare the meal. Granted, Harry hadn’t asked him to make this particular meal, but still, he knew that he had to impress their guests if they had any chance of landing this very important grant. Harry had started his scholarship foundation shortly after the rebuilding of Hogwarts was complete. His goal was to make sure that all wizarding children had access to new materials for every school year, no matter how their family was faring financially. It had taken off right away with Harry’s name and face at the helm, and even though he didn’t like to use his fame, he knew that this time it was for a good cause. Tonight’s dinner was to get funding to kick off a new leg of his organization, to study the way wealth and upbringing affected the student’s grades and overall wellbeing at school. He knew that if they could prove that having equal footing when starting Hogwarts helped to improve the child’s overall academic career that it would secure funding, and possibly even force the ministry to make a move towards legislation that would make sure that all kids were given a fair shot.

Draco looked at the brisket in front of him. He thought it looked right, but really hoped he had done nothing wrong. He was making, (well, attempting to make anyway) a Moroccan Brisket with Olives, Tomatoes, Onions, and Preserved Lemons, and as appetizing as the recipe looked, he was afraid he had bitten off more than he could chew. Once again he checked over his brisket to make sure he had seasoned it correctly and placed it in the roasting pan to sear it. He added the onions and sautéed them with the spices, herbs and tomatoes, and moved the whole thing to the baking pan. He added the vegetables and put it into their muggle oven covered and hoped for the best, setting a tempus charm to remind him when to take it out. After he assured himself he was all set he headed out to begin the preparations of their home to make it suitable for the guests. At least that didn’t take long, since he was a bit of a manic neat freak. He hurried to their master suite to begin getting ready for their company, and as he was getting into the shower he heard the woosh of the floo, followed by Harry calling “Draco, honey, I’m home, it smells wonderful in here!”

“I’m getting in the shower, Babe, I’ll be out in a few minutes!” Draco hurried through his routine until he was standing in front of the mirror in immaculate perfection, carefully getting dressed in his finest robes.

“Honey, you look amazing!” purred Harry as he walked up behind him. Draco turned to swat him as he informed him that he better be getting ready himself if he didn’t want to keep their guests waiting. After all, there was only a half an hour before they were due to arrive.

Once Harry was safely ensconced in the shower, Draco headed back downstairs to check on dinner. He pulled it from the oven, and made the final touches while he darted around the kitchen making sure the wine was chilled and the table set. Just in time, the floo chimed and he ran to the parlor to let their visitors in.

Later that night, as they were getting ready for bed, Harry took Draco in his arms. “Draco, have I ever told you how wonderful you are?” The dinner had gone off without a hitch, everyone complimenting Draco on his cooking skills. In the end Harry was awarded his grant, and the research would begin when the next class of first years began their time at Hogwarts. Who would have ever known that a reformed pureblood Death Eater would be perfectly happy to be the house husband to Harry Potter? Draco certainly didn’t know but as he snuggled down in the covers with his loving husband curled around him, he did know that he couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Summer//Hufflepuff//745 words/30 = 25pts. +5pts for challenge = 30 pts. For Hufflepuff!

*challenge, creator: singlemomsummer

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