Title: Haikus? IDK, do Haikus need a title? xD
Summary: Haikus about some teachers of Hogwarts
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Sybill Telawney, Horace Slughorn
Genre: Poetry
Rating/Warnings: G/none? IDK.
Word Count: under 30 each
No one really knows
That you are a Quidditch fan
That you're into sports
You're always loyal
Forever a Gryffindor
Forever faithful
You always seem strict
Calm, collected and controlled
Never losing faith
You stayed in Hogwarts
Are now head of Gryffindor
Do you love to teach?
Brave until the end
You're loyal to what you love
Fighting for the good
No one ever knew
What you really felt for him
They did never see
Many people ask
If you ever wash your hair
If you ever do
Forever faithful
Willing to do eveything
No one know for whom
You were headmaster
But only for a few months
For a too short time
You always loved her
Felt guilty for what you did
Guilty forever
Your hair white and long
Almost as big as your beard
They show your wisdom
You were the wisest
Many people knew your name
Your fame was your fate
Hunting his secret
You forgot about your own
Or was it forced out?
He had been your foe
Forever since you met him
But you did not know
You have been best friends
Did everything together
Met when you were young
No one believed you
When you told them what you saw
But you told the truth
Hogwarts is your home
Has been for so many years
Almost half your life
You lived on your own
Hidden in a big tower
Teaching was your life
Have you ever talked
To the other people near
Did you ever speak
Many prophecies
Divination is your life
Always predicting
You never wanted
Never wanted to return
But you were forced to
You have been so proud
Of the people on your shelf
Of your collection
You were coming back
Coming back only for him
For your collection
You are so ashamed
Of what you have said to him
Of your memory
When you talked to him
You did not know what you said
What you did to him
25 poems for challenges x 5 = 125
Total: 125 points for Hufflepuff!