Writing Challenge #92

Feb 16, 2011 19:40

I was going to do a couple of submissions in one go, except my laptop's spouting out smoke periodically so i wanna put this up and shut it down.

Title: View From The Lighthouse
Summary: As Justin waits anxiously in the lighthouse, he reflects upon his companions.
Characters/Pairings: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Dennis Creevey, Penelope Clearwater, Kevin Entwhistle.
Genre: Introspective stuff.
Beta: hello
Rating/Warnings: None, really. PG at worst. But G is prob better.
Medium: Short fic.
Word Count: 533

"Try it again, please."

Justin understood Dennis' anxiety, but he knew also there was little they could do to amend the situation. Justin had taken it upon himself to safeguard the Creevey family at the first sign of the Registration Committee. A family with two Muggle-borns was sure to stand out, and combined with how both boys were still underage thus defenceless due to the Trace, Justin knew they would be in trouble. Perhaps it was the Hufflepuff in him, or even the Musketeer spirit of the D.A., but he felt obliged to act as sentinel.

He pulled the Galleon out of his pocket and tapped the inscription with his wand.


The message didn't change (Justin simply altered the hyphenation to make the coin burn hot again), but he hoped Colin would read the shorthand. Of course, it would be impossible for Colin to reply safely, but that barely mattered; Dennis and Justin just wanted reassurance the rest of the family were safe.

"Still no reply?"

A Ravenclaw boy sat on the other side of the room in the decommissioned lighthouse, watching the two of them gaze at the watch. Justin only had a passing acquaintance with the boy, despite having been in the same year at Hogwarts. Kevin Entwhistle had just got changed for work, and was watching the two as he slid up his tie. "You know, Penny's listening out for news. Maybe it would be worth waiting for them to respond."

The boys said nothing; Kevin and Penny Clearwater were the only magical brethren they had encountered since the attack; through pure chance they had Apparated to the same place four days ago. They had told Justin of the good fortune they had had: Penny and Kevin's families lived within five miles of one another, and Kevin had gotten to know the witch some time ago when she had been cured of the basilisk's Petrification and regaled the story in the Ravenclaw common room.

He had also told Justin that Penny had gone on the run before the political stance happened. She showed them a letter she had received from an old friend within the Ministry, warning of the imminent peril, and that she should run. She had shrugged when she elaborated, saying: "it just seemed a good idea to trust Percy, and take someone else with me. I just emptied my Gringotts account and exchanged it back to sterling."

The four of them were banded together now, and short of adopting a name, were a unit; a family away from family, almost. Now, forced to work Muggle jobs in the Muggle world under false names (bolstered by magically-forged credentials), the days of Hogwarts seemed such a long time ago-not the three months it had actually been.

The morning sun hung low above the wintry horizon. Justin's thoughts would fly back to Hogwarts, on occasion, but more often, to Harry. Harry Potter, the boy he had wrongly doubted all those years ago, was the beacon of hope and inspiration keeping the bleakness at bay. Justin swore to keep himself alive, if not just to fight alongside the Boy Who Lived when the moment came.

Rob/Gryffindor/23 points GET!

character: dennis creevy, character: colin creevy, form: ficlet, rating: pg, character: justin finch-fletchley

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