Ficlet Challenge # 6; "Slytherin Girl"

Dec 16, 2010 22:25

Title: Slytherin Girl
Summary: Daphne wonders about her younger sister.
Characters/Pairings: Daphne Greengrass
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG; None
Word Count: 212
A/N: For Ficlet Challenge # 6 - Slytherin Girls. Will eventually be added to Reassemble.

Daphne Greengrass isn't an idiot.

She grew up in the Slytherin house during the Second Rise (and subsequent fall) of Voldemort. She learned to keep her head down and her mouth shut. She knew not to argue, not to volunteer her opinions and most certainly to never side with anyone who had a different opinion. It's not that she is a muggle lover or anything. She gets that they are the Oppressor - gets that they are cowards who strike against anything they don't understand and that they would go after her if they got a chance. She just hates violence. And blood. And death. And the whole "Death Eater" thing is just not her style.

So she keeps her head down and she stays out of trouble.

She is not an idiot.

So as Daphne starts getting letters from her baby sister about a certain ex-Death Eater boy, she wonders how to handle it. Part of her wants to keep her head down and let Astoria fend for herself. But that boy is trouble and she wants her beautiful, innocent sister to stay away from him unless she too ends up corrupted.

Astoria is the only pure thing in Daphne's world and she doesn't want the Malfoy boy to have her.

212/30 = 7 + 5 = 12 points for Hufflepuff!



*challenge, character: daphne greengrass, rating: pg, creator: touchofviolet

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