Drabble: Life Lessons [CHALLENGE #69]

Dec 16, 2010 15:48

Title: Life Lessons
Summary: Young Ron learn that magic cannot solve everything.
Characters/Pairings: Ron and Arthur
Genre: Drama, death
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 100

Ron Weasley didn’t know how it happened. One minute his parrot was alive and well, and the next he was not. He was just lying in his cage, motionless.

“Dad,” said Ron. “My parrot is the dead.”

Arthur looked at the motionless parrot and frowned. “I’m sorry Ron,” said Arthur. “Would you like us to bury it?”

“Why?” said Ron, “Are we not wizards? Isn’t there a spell to bring him back to life?”

Arthur looked at his son sadly and said “No Ron, there isn’t any.”

It was on that day Ron found out magic cannot always solve everything.

*So what do you guys think? My first drabble challenge. :D*


100/30: 3
+ 5 for challenge: 8 points for GRYFFINDOR

character: ron weasley, form: drabble, rating: pg, creator: hikaristar007, character: arthur weasley

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