Teams Announced!

Nov 16, 2007 08:56

Sunday, November 18, 1:30-3:30pm
Team A
Seeker: malibu_xo_rain
Keeper/Beater: sevensecondshow
Chasers: halcyon, geni91782

Team B
Seeker: sunflower_pixie
Keeper: viridian_virtue
Beater: ximxaxstalkerx
Chasers: xenylamine, jayne_190

Keepers and Beaters will get invites to the Questions comm as soon as I can convince my internet to be less evil (afternoon or evening of Friday; I might have to use a different computer). New questions might be added to the pre-approved list found there until Sunday morning.
You may email me questions for approval till 9am EST Sunday.

Chasers, please reply here with your IM information.
- if you're able to use IM during the game
- all IM programs you have access to
- all relevent usernames

Comments are screened; non-contact info comments will be unscreened. Feel free to discuss, or whatever, here or in your common rooms.

This is sort of a Gryffs vs Claws game, with a token Snakey. *g*

term: ix, archive: gryffinpuff vs slytherclaw

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