You always thought 78 was a strange number of cards for a Tarot deck. It wasn't until you started researching its history for a project that you notice telltale signs of a magical disruption. You notice that something has been erased from memory. Without hesitating you slip into the Restricted Section and pull out the oldest, most arcane tome on the subject, and you see something you didn't expect to see: 92 is no less strange a number, but this acquired knowledge is huge.
Activity Name: The Missing Suit
End Date: Sunday 18th August @ 15:00 UTC + 48 hours voting period.
Points: Repetitive Activity: 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points.
Details: Did you know there was a fifth suit that belonged to the Tarot deck? It's true! Help us design a fifth minor suit, summarise what it symbolises, and see how it all fits together!
Hello all!
I have a bit of an awkward month ahead, so I'm going to do a voting activity for you all.
As I'm sure you all know, there are four suits in a Tarot deck (Cups, symbolising emotions; Swords, symbolising power; Wands, governing spirituality; and Pentacles/Coins, governing worldly affairs). The major arcana also make up a suit, but we'll ignore that la la la. I want to ask you to invent a fifth minor arcana suit to join the other four. What would it be?
Explain your reasoning, why it would work, and the general 'logic' behind your pick. Don't worry about the specifics (I don't need to know readings for all 14 cards in the sequence!), just a general thrust will do. You get 10 points for it... so don't go mad. :P
Here's a little textbox to help you format:
The suit of: This suit governs: Why I chose it: (about 100-200 words will probably be enough)
Comments are screened, for obvious reasons. The submissions ends on Sunday 18th August, and I will TRY to get voting up as soon as possible afterward. Unfortunately I'm spending most of that weekend on a coach and will not see my own bed for a further six days. But I will find a computer from somewhere, even if I have to spend some of my own pennies to do so.
Voting will lead to placement for three lucky applicants! The outright winning entry mayyyyy be used in an activity some point in the new term.... maybe. If I can be bothered, or remember. Anyway, sign the roster and earn up to 10 extra points for minimal effort! Good luck!
The future will look bleak if you forget to sign the