Team Purple!

Jun 20, 2014 08:52

So it's Steam Summer Sale time again! Hooray! Time to get deals on all the games you were too poor (or cheap) to buy at full price! <3

This year's event is different: When you click the "start" button on the event instructions page, you'll be assigned a team. (Apparently Steam's been paying attention to me and has "randomly" put me in the Purple Team.) Then as you participate (in voting, playing games, crafting badges, crafting the Summer Sale badge, and so on) you earn points for your team. If your team has more points than the other teams at the end of a Steam day (don't know what their clocks are set to), then everyone gets free stuff! But the top 30 participants on the team that day get three items off their Wishlist.

So that's everything you need to know about the event. Otherwise it's a Steam Sale like every year. Don't forget you need money left over for food and rent and crap like that, and have fun!
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