Hm. Thursdays.

Oct 02, 2008 22:54

Well guess what. My English project was due today. I almost don't wanna type the story cuz it's so friggin long, but I will, for you.

Alrighty. So after the fiasco wednesday night, I went to school this morning knowing I had to edit the whole thing before 6th period. Ms. Mikel let me go during band, but I didn't even come close then. So Next Mr. Munoz let me work on it during video even though we were supposed to be planning our commercials... My group's doing happiness... and so yeah I got it almost done. I still didn't finish! Somehow, me and zoe convinced Mr. Wilen to let me go during history and I finally finished it. Omg I love him for doing that! So this whole time I couldn't do it during lunch cuz it was Ashley's last day, and I needed to see her off. I'm sad she's leaving! But she went out to eat, so I definately could've done it, but we had a cake during the last 5 minutes of lunch. She's gonna come by and say goodbye tomorrow, so I'm gonna go to Film Society late.

It's gonna be terrible when Heather leaves.

But yes.

Kenzie gave Ashley a porno magazine as a going-away present. She seems different, though... Maybe it's just cuz all these people she doesn't really know sit at lunch with us now. I'm sad she's going to Mississippi, though... Hopefully we'll stay in touch!

But so yeah. We had to save the imovie file onto an external hardrive and take that to Ms. Perez's class to play it. I got it to work fine, but next time, I'm recording at a lower quality, holy crap. I think that was the main problem. I shall fix that. It was like 9 gigs.

Yeah Hal couldn't figure out how to work it during his class though so hopefully he can do it tomorrow.

Morning band! Wooo... And the boerne game is tomorrow. I might not post cuz I'll back home late and be tired. I'm thinking about having Heather spend the night... we'll see.

I love Stars! Their song lyrics are so amazing. I was laying on the floor of the shower today and I wanted to write a song like them, but I can't.

I went out to eat with my dad today. We actually talked a lot, it was nice. I told him that I'm 22nd in my class right now. I just hope I can keep that up. My GPA is like 101. w00t me. I wanna go to a good school.

Dartmouth? Columbia? Cornell? We'll see.

Nighty Night.
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