Nov 30, 2002 22:15
Paul went home this morning, it seems a shame that he could not stay longer, but I will get to see him next weekend. We are doing a workshops in Northampton, and then going to see the Manic Street Preachers in London. I will stay in London and see my dad.
Today has not been the best of days, but I guess that is what comes of thinking to much. I went for a walk before lunch then walker over to the SU and put up lots of purple posters advertising 'Lust For Life Week' (something I have been helping organise). Tomorrow I will go to meeting, then have Dim Sum with a couple of my house mates, before heading in again to the SU to stick business cards to condoms (I am not sure if I will go, I'm tired). It was good to meet Danny, Jenny's bf, he seem lovely, not unlike Jenny herself. I'm so tired. Sleep seems to be calling.
Oh and by the way I had a bottle of 'Bert Simon - 1990 Eitelsbacher Marienholz - Riesling Kabinett' it was very very good (don't worry with housemates). You can get it from Majestic. German wine in this country is not highly thought of and therefore cheap, this one I think could be kept for a wee bit (up to a couple of years), but god it was good (glad i bought two bottles).