Class of '96 ch 6 (btvs/spn)

Dec 04, 2010 01:15

Class of '96 chapter 6
word count 2700 each chapter
Rating M -  language

Summary: Dean is forced to take Buffy to his high school reunion. He hates the idea.  As Buffy learns more about Dean, she develops feelings for him.  It's your average 10 year reunion. Drinking, dancing, demon destroying, and Buffy gets under Dean's skin.

Master Post

The Impala's passengers were mostly silent during the ride to the hotel. Buffy leaned against Dean who had his arm around her, their fingers intertwined. A classic rock radio station played softly, but Buffy was too deep in thought to be bothered with attempting to change the channel.

Endeavoring to make sense of the jumble of emotions brewing inside her, Buffy drifted over the memories of the last month to when she first met the Winchesters. In the beginning, Buffy felt an immediate attraction to Dean. He was brave, smart, strong, and funny. He had been all charm and flirtation, at first. However, that had quickly evaporated and was replaced with insolence. It seemed she was unable to thaw his behavior.

Last night, the charm returned, so had the casual flirting. Buffy could have sworn there was something more in the way he looked at her when they danced. When Dean told her he was leaving the bar, she felt it again.

Reviewing this evening events in her mind, Buffy realized her heart pounded every time Dean touched her. She closed her eyes and thought about how he looked at her in the basement, how it felt to kiss him, and how perfect it felt to be wrapped in his arms.

Dean brought their hands to her cheek and softly caressed it with his finger. "You're awfully quiet." He didn't think a quiet Buffy was a good sign. In the short time, he had known her; Dean learned that Buffy was rarely quiet. This silence was making him nervous.

Buffy leaned into the caress then kissed his fingertip. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

Buffy leaned her head against him. About how we're not going to see each other after Cleveland. About your lips. About how you make me crazy in both good ways and bad ways and very bad ways. Naughty ways. About your eyes and how sometimes you look at me and I forget what I'm doing. About how you looked at that woman. About how sometimes, in a hunt, you look so fierce. Dean brushed a finger on Buffy's neck. About how I want you all over me. About how I want to be all over you.

Instead of any of that, she answered, "Nothing."

Dean shifted nervously in his seat as he drove. "Nothing?" She was too quiet for too long. Something was wrong.

Buffy pulled his arm tighter around her and nestled against him. "Nothing I can tell you."

Dean sighed quietly. Buffy's mixed signals were killing him.

"I mean, it's all pretty much porn-y-ish and I -"

"Porn-y-ish?" Dean laughed. "Right, you think about porn."

Buffy smiled. "Well, maybe not porn like your no-tell-motel pay-per-view porn, but definitely for mature audiences only."

I wish, thought Dean. He chuckled, "Sure, of course."

Buffy released his hand and turned on the seat so her back was towards the dashboard and she was facing him. Slipping a hand behind his neck, she placed a kiss on his neck just below his ear. She licked that same spot gently, then sucked on his earlobe.

Enjoying her attention, Dean grinned, thinking, not even PG13, babe. Buffy began to gently kiss and suck on Dean's neck. She put her free hand on his chest then let it slide down his side savoring the feel of muscles under his dress shirt. Buffy peeked out the window and saw they had pulled into the motel lot. She smiled mischievously against Dean's neck. When the Impala began to slow, she let her hand travel to his crotch.

Dean shot her an amused smirk. "Well, you're definitely approaching adult content." Buffy giggled into his neck as he reached around her to put the car into park. He threaded one hand through her hair and tipped her head back so his mouth could attack hers. He let the fingertips of his other hand trail slowly down her bare back. The windows of the Impala were beginning to fog when they finally broke the kiss.

The first kiss in the basement had been all heat, toe curling, heart pounding lust. Now, kissing Dean was a slow burn. His kisses were building such need in her; Buffy felt she was unraveling. Her brain was only able to focus on need want must have now. Her hands roved over his body. Loosening his tie, undoing a couple buttons, when her hands went for his belt, he stopped her.

Dean's eyes were soft as he followed when she pulled back. He sucked at her neck then bumped his arm on the steering wheel as he attempted to reposition them. "I'm a huge fan of car sex, but -"

Buffy reached over him for the door handle. "Right. Room, now."

Inside her room, Dean strode over to the bedside table and fiddled with the radio. Buffy had said she wanted to dance and Dean was confident enough to assume he was going to set the pace for whatever happened next.

While his back was turned, Buffy slipped out of her dress. She stood with a hand on her hip and a smug expression when Dean finally turned to face her.

"Fu - uh," Dean coughed. His eyes took in her near naked form, from the half bra to the heels she still wore then back up to the knife strapped to her thigh. "That's hot." Buffy cocked a brow at him, put her foot on the bed, and undid her knife. Dean's brain momentarily short-circuited.

Strolling over to him, she kissed his chest as she undid the buttons of his shirt. Her mouth traveled over each inch of Dean's exposed skin. Upon reaching his navel, she stood to pull his shirt off completely.

Dean's brain finally reawakened and he slowed Buffy's actions so that he could kiss those lips he had been dreaming about. The kiss was not so rough and desperate, this time, but in no way was it tame. Their hips moved sensually in some rhythm they seemed to just fall into, so that they swayed together. Buffy's hands slid up to his shoulders and his span her back holding to the curve of Buffy's ass. Dean was amazed they could still kiss, but he tilted his head more pressing closer and closer and allowing Buffy's tongue deeper and deeper.

When Dean's hands finally come back up to her neck and face, Buffy was having an internal debate over standing there forever until she's nothing but a puddle or just, ripping the rest of Dean's clothes off. Therefore, she backed Dean toward the bed and pushed him down.

Dean lay back with a smirk as Buffy quickly undid his belt and yanked his pants down as he toed off his shoes. Buffy wanted to stop and just drink in the sight before her, but Dean didn't give her the chance. The moment he was naked, he grabbed her, pulled her to him, and switched their positions so she was laying back on the bed.

He held himself over her briefly, and then kissed her neck as he skillfully removed her bra. When he took a nipple into his mouth, Buffy moaned softly as his hand teased her other one. Dean spent several minutes lavishing attention on each breast. When he had his fill, he peeled her lace panties down her legs, gingerly, replacing both heels when they came off.

Buffy quirked a brow. "The shoes? Really?"

Dean smiled and nodded. "Oh, yeah. These are staying on." He had been holding on to her ankle and now held it up to his mouth. Inch by inch, he kissed his way up to her knee; then repeated the action on the other leg. Kneeling before her, Dean began to kiss and nibble his way up both thighs until he met her center.

"Dean," Buffy's whispered pant drew his attention.

"Sweetheart, I've been thinking about this for almost a month. Don't tell me to stop, now." Dean gently spread her lips and let his tongue work from bottom to top, where it circled and teased her clit. After sucking on it briefly, he started his process again, this time penetrating her with his tongue before licking his way back to her clit. Buffy made a noise that could have been mistaken for a purr. Dean repeated this process until he heard Buffy's breath quicken. Then, he pushed two fingers inside her. He continued to suck and lick at her while pumping his fingers in and out. Dean looked up as Buffy arched off the bed and moaned his name loudly. He lapped at his fingers as they entered her then returned his attention to her know over sensitive nub. Buffy writhed under his technique. Her orgasm hit her so hard; she had to remind herself to breathe.

"God, Dean," she panted when he finally leaned back.

He shrugged smugly, "God's a little much."

More amused than annoyed by his smug expression, Buffy pushed herself up on her elbows to regard him with a smirk of her own. "Good to know that mouth of yours is capable of more than just sarcastic comments."

He smiled. "Well, I hope your slayer stamina lives up to the hype, 'cause we're just getting started."

"Good," she responded as she stood and pushed him roughly onto the other bed. "You're not the only one who's been thinking about this for weeks. And," she dragged her hands down his chest as she climbed over him, "I'm hoping this will last for hours." With that, she slowly sank down on him until he was fully seated inside her, biting her lip to stifle her moan, and taking a minute to adjust to the feel of him inside her.

Dean's eyes closed and he gripped her hips strongly and groaned, "Fu-uck, Buffy, you're so-" his attempt at coherent thought was prevented as Buffy began to clench her muscles around him. His eyes nearly bugged out and his breath caught in his throat. "Holy, unh," he finally managed as his wits returned. "That's - unh-" he gasped, "incredible."

Buffy was able to look smug for about thirty seconds, then she began to move in earnest. Soon they had built up a perfect rhythm. However, Dean was determined not to reach the finish line first. He released his hold on Buffy's hips and used his thumb to massage Buffy's clit. Buffy slowed and arched back, allowing him more access. Their rhythm was broken and Dean could only thrust his hips as Buffy let her orgasm wash over her. Her resounding moan sent electricity though Dean's body and he knew he would not last much longer if he did not slow down.

Gently, he rolled them over so that he was on top. He wrapped her legs around his waist and Buffy locked her ankles together as Dean began to increase the pace of his thrusts. Finally finding his release, Dean nearly collapsed on top of her. Buffy was blissfully and completely undone, she could only smile lazily up at him. That smile was Dean undoing, he would had given her the Impala at that moment if she had asked for it.

They lay next to each other, lost in their own thoughts as they regained control of their breathing. Buffy rolled onto her stomach, perching herself on her forearms. Dean reached across to tuck her hair behind her ear so he could see her unhindered. She stared into his eyes for a moment, and then asked, "Can I ask why it took almost a month to get here?"

"I don't know what you mean."

Buffy didn't let that discourage her. "When we first met, I thought we'd have ended up here, sleeping together, by the end of the week. Then all of a sudden, it was like you hated me or something. What did I do?"

Reluctant to answer, Dean rolled onto his stomach and mirrored her pose. He leaned his shoulder into hers and said, "Well, you see, Sam declared you off limits." Buffy gave him a skeptical look. "Something about work-place romances never ending well."

Buffy rolled her eyes about to say something when she changed her mind. "Since when do you let Sam make the rules?"

Dean shrugged and kissed her shoulder, "I have been known to piss chicks off. Sam was probably just trying to protect me from myself. He didn't want an angry Slayer on my ass."

Buffy made a face. Dean had been teetering on hostile for weeks. Sam's rule could not have been the only reason for it.

As if he could read her mind, Dean continued. "Remember those demons in Arkansas?"


"You ran in there, without waiting for us to get in position and cleaned 'em out."

Buffy furrowed her brow, "So?"

"So? I was pissed." He brushed his fingertips along her hand. "You acted like Sam and I couldn't handle the job. No matter how easy it was."

"Oh," Buffy mumbled studying her nails so as not to look at him.

"We've been doing this job as long or longer than you have and you treated us like we were amateurs."

Buffy hung her head, embarrassed for having made him feel that way. Dean rolled on his side to face her and rubbed her back between her shoulder blades. "I know you didn't -"

"That's not it," Buffy said, cutting him off. "You dislocated your shoulder three days before that."

Dean kissed her shoulder, trying to ease the emotion he heard in her voice. "So? It happens. Not a big deal."

Buffy rolled onto her back so she was practically under him. Reaching up to run her fingers through his hair she added, "I didn't want you to get hurt."

Dean moved his arm over her. "I heal," he leaned down and gently kissed her.

Buffy was surprised at the pang she felt. "You can't play guitar anymore."

Dean was stunned for a moment, and then he began to laugh. "I could barely play before. I told you we sucked."

She looked unconvinced. "I'm sorry I acted like I thought you couldn't do the job. I know you can, but I'm supposed to do it."

"Alone?" Dean murmured before he began to kiss her.

When his mouth left hers and traveled to her neck, Buffy sighed happily. "Well, not alone," she conceded as his kisses were persuading her. "Not if every job ends like this," she ended on a gasp as Dean's mouth found her breast again. Moving to rest between her thighs, Dean slid inside her again. They took their time; each touch was tender, not rushed. When Dean felt Buffy begin to shudder beneath him, he followed her over the edge.

Once back in Cleveland, Buffy pretended it didn't bother her that Dean left almost immediately. For a day, she sulked as she thought Sam was right; she and Dean should not have gotten involved. The next few days, she spent taking her disappointment out on a training bag.

On Saturday, when her phone rang, she was surprised how quickly her anger evaporated upon hearing his voice.

"Remember me telling you how Sam and I moved around a lot as we were growing up?"


"Yeah, did I mention I went to over a dozen high schools?"

"No, and wow that's a lot of new guy in town cache you probably scored on."

"You're funny," Dean laughed, "But it also means a lot of reunions to go to."

Buffy was silent as she considered what he was saying. "Yeah, I guess," she said finally.

"Well, in order to make up for his stupid rule, I made Sam do some research on my old schools. It looks like I have a couple more reunions I can attend." Dean took a breath. He wasn't really nervous about asking Buffy to go with him. At least that's what he told himself.

"So, little 'Miss I-blew-up-my-high-school', would you care to be my date for another reunion, in Michigan next Saturday? I can't promise there will be something for you to kill, but if you wear that dress again, I can promise the night will end with the same, uh, festivities as last time."

"Hmm, dinner, dancing and 'festivities'?" Buffy grinned widely as she pretended to think over his proposal. "I'd have to check my calendar, but if there's nothing else..."

Dean chuckled again. "You're going to make me work for this, aren't you?"


"May I please pick you up next Thursday so that I can take you to a reunion next Saturday?"

Buffy giggled, "I can't wait to see you on Thursday, Dean."

The end

fan fiction, dean, supernatural btvs, buffy

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