Actor Todd Stashwick (Buffy, Psych, Supernatural, many, many, more) and Dennis Calero have collaborated on a new comic. It's a weekly serial about a drifter, but not just any drifter. Jack happens to have the Devil Inside.
The Devil Inside is the story of Jack Springheel, known to many as the Devil or Satan, known to others throughout time as different aspects of evil incarnate. He finds himself blasted out of hell and questions his future. Does he want to return? How can he alter his own path? There are forces that want him back in hell. He's a man with a bounty on his head, seeking a new truth.
For fans of traditional comics, this looks very promising. Interesting story and amazing art
Best of all ---- it's free. Go to to read the first two pages. Each page contains about 5 panels.
Follow them on twitter @toddstashwick or @DennisCalero Great guys producing great work.