Some Jiggery-Pokery and a Sewing Machine...

Oct 10, 2013 20:46

There was a time in my life (pre-baby) when I was a costumer. All of those years in the theater and I didn't emerge with just a complex. I actually learned to sew and design costumes. I made costumes mostly for other people for Renaissance festivals and cosplaying and other fun stuff. And then I got married and taught my husband to sew (he asked). And THEN I had a baby and I can count on one hand how many sewing projects I've completed since the mini-me came into my life. I actually got 2 projects done over the summer. One was matching dresses for Nora and her dolly. The other was a combo knit and sewing project I did at the beginning of summer (her dad made the Link hat because Nora wants to be Link when she grows up and "save the stupid princess."

Everyone knows that the only real way to save a princess is in a pink monkey dress!
Obviously, it's been a long time since I've done anything major. The last major project I did was a psycho Ren faire gown before I got pregnant. I somehow managed to swing one for Nora, too, after she was born. I've lost a ton of weight and the dress no longer fits me, but here it is:

"I'm only 3 months old and mom's already forcing me into silly costumes! I thought that Elora Dannan getup from Willow was screwy enough, but this takes the cake!"

"Zounds! Yeah verily, the Lord hath smiled upon me with this blessing of shade! For I be adorned in no less than fifty pounds of the fabric of upholstery, the very breath of my life hath been forced out of mine lungs in this hell-trap called a corset, and it be hotter than the fires of hell though it be only November in this steaming cesspit we nameth Texas."

The costuming bug is itching me again and Nora's past the age where I'm terrified she'll put pins her mouth. I've been hankering to make something from Doctor Who. Donna was the obvious choice since I'm a semi-ginger (my hair color has always been debatable, but I've settled for chestnut). I'm too, erm, short and round to be Amy. CT and I are the same height and we are both curvy, so there you go. I scrounged around in my dusty old pattern bins (yeah, you heard me...bins), and figured out how to modify some old patterns into Donna's pretty purple getup from "The Fires of Pompeii." What the hell. Halloween is coming up and Austin Comic Con is next month. I don't have exactly what I need, so it will take some jiggery-pokery, but I should be able to come up with the basic shape. Her purple dress is really pretty simple. I just wish I looked better in empire waisted dresses!

We're going to make a mock-up of the bodice this weekend out of scrap fabric and I'll go and buy actual fabric later next week. I'll post photos once I'm done. Just because I'm a little sarcastic, I'm thinking about wearing a button that says, "Pompeii. It's a blast."

I hope I can find someone cosplaying Ten at the con, because that would make a really fun photo!
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