Is There Any Chances For Us? Chapter Eight

Oct 22, 2012 11:51

Title: Is There Any Chances for Us?
Pairing: YamaChii, NakaChii
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri are couple and been married for about two years already, everyone might think that they’re a perfect couple. Yes they’re actually a perfect couple but everyone didn’t know that behind those perfections, there’s sad realization.
Warning: Chinen is a girl here, I’m sorry but I really needed the ‘she’ for now for the plot. So, if you don’t like, you don’t need to read this. Thank You!
Note: Italics words means characters thought.

A/N: I’m very sorry for the typo and errors that I committed from the previous chapter, I just realized it a while ago while re-reading the fic, its ridiculous! Next time I shouldn’t rushed myself, it’s friggin embarrassing! Pffft! :|| This is a longer chapter, just a simple present for you guys for a so looonnnggg wait. Just Enjoy Reading!


The clock is tickling tic and toc and in merely seconds its short arrow will point to number two while the longer one will point to number twelve that would exactly declare that it’s already two in the afternoon.

She sighs, forget to tell you that she’s been waiting for almost four hours already, and yet that someone she’s been waiting isn’t yet to arrive.

“I wonder what you’re doing right now?” she whisper, while still hoping that latter would still be there just to treat her out for a lunch again.

For the rest of the week, she’s been waiting for him; curiosity is running through her mind as she keeps on asking herself why ryosuke isn’t showing. She doesn’t really know why she still had this urge to act with full of patience even though letting her wait for a week is too much for a patience to run out.

It’s Saturday, As usual yuri would be expected for the same thing, same thought that ryosuke won’t be coming to ask her for a lunch again. She’s been missing him so badly, and added the fact that baby wants his mommy to see his daddy too.  She can’t do anything; she doesn’t have any idea how to reach him and to see him. Rubbing still not-so-flat tummy, a sudden idea pops on her mind. That idea is to visit him now and to bring something for him.

“How about, I’ll visit him right now?” she asks herself “great! let’s visit your daddy and we’ll make bento for him!” she clasp her hand happily as she made her way to the kitchen to prepare something for she will be making a bento for ryosuke.

It took some time for her to prepare a bento, but her happy face didn’t faltered. With her determination, she managed to finish it on time, and that makes her happy, she’ll be seeing him again and the baby as well though the baby is still in her womb, but still  the baby can sense if he’s daddy is around right?

Walking inside, Yuri felt a rather uneasiness, maybe she’s just nervous for it’s been an ages since the last time he step inside the Yamada’s office building.

“Yes maam, what can I do for you?” a lady from the front desk asks, flashing her smile at her.

“uhmm… anoo…” yuri is kind of edgy “can.. ah.. Is Yamada Ryosuke here?”

“Do you have an appointment with him, maam?” the lady asks again but yuri shook her head

“I..i just wanted to talk to him. Can i?” she’s gulp, unsure of what to say

The lady smiled a little “I’m very sorry maam, but you really need to set an appointment if you want to talk to him”

“Please, I’m begging you. I..i just really wanted to talk to him” yuri persuaded after some moment of begging

“Hmmm…” the lady thinks “let me call him for a while. Give me a minute” the lady then said as she dials the number to the telephone and waited for the latter to answer the phone. “What’s your name maam?”

“yama-ahh! Chinen Yuri” okay, she was about to blurt the surname that she was using before.

She waited for the phone call to end, the lady show her a gloomy smile

“I’m very sorry maam, but Yamada-san said he doesn’t want to entertain someone right now” the lady bows

“sou da ne” yuri bowed in respect, as she felt sad. She walks away from the desk and sat on the chair in the lobby first before going out.

“I wonder, what’s wrong with him?” she thought, as she turns her eyes at the bento on her grip. While sitting she thought for a while until she decided to send him a text

To Ryosuke:

Hi,, I just wanted to ask you if you already eaten your lunch? I made a bento for you, I’m still here in the lobby, and if you want to get it I’ll just wait for you here.

From Yuri

She closes her phone after sending him a message. And after some minutes he received a response

To Yuri

Why are you here? You don’t need to bring me something. I’m already full. I just ate my lunch with my fiancée. You don’t need to wait for me. kay?

From Ryosuke

Yuri blinks her eyes for she didn’t expect to read that kind of message, that kind of message that would make her jealous that word ‘fiancee’ she doesn’t like it. And again, the sad realization hits her.

To Ryosuke

No, it’s fine. I’m very sorry; I forgot I know I shouldn’t be here. I’m really sorry ryosuke. I’ll go now.

From Yuri

Closing her phone, yuri decided to go out as she doesn’t want someone to see her there, she really wanted to cry right now, her fragile heart broke into pieces again, tears threaten to drop from her eyes but yuri wipe it, she need to be strong the baby is depending on her.

The door swung open, Yamada Ryosuke went inside the room and got surprised to see the girl, standing there seems like she’s busy checking for something, he look at his fiancée  from down to up and saw her scanning his phone.

“What are you doing?!” he asks curiously, staring at the phone that she’s holding, His fiancée is scanning his phone without him even knowing it.

She turns her sight at him, before looking back at the phone, that she’s holding moment ago, sliding her fingertips and scanning furthermore.

“I bet she still wants another chance, ne ryosuke?” she then said while showing the phone in front of him. ryosuke walks nearer and snap his phone from her grip. The girl looks at him; raising a brow a light smirk is curving on her lips, she’s smirking because she did something that he doesn’t know

“Seriously? It’s not good for someone to just simply get and scan something through my cellphone without my permission.” He emphasizes looking at her sternly

“I’m your fiancée, so whether you like it or not I have the rights to check something from your phone, even without your permission!” The girl retorted

“Unless, I told you to!” he then said, before looking at his phone and shock when he found out yuri’s name in his inbox. He click and read the message, and later realized that his fiancée send yuri a response from her message. Truth is, it was his fiancée who replied from yuri’s text and not ryosuke.

“Why did you send her a message?! ! Why didn’t you tell me that she texted me?!!” ryosuke shouted furiously, as he stare at her wide-eye

“Because I want to!!”  She shouted from the bottom of her throat “The one who texted you, was your ex-wife. Right?” she asks, that ryosuke makes stunned at his place, he didn’t tell her about yuri, about his past but how come she knows it.

“Your ex-wife, texted you!  shocked ryosuke?” she gasped “you just can’t hide anything from me ryosuke! You don’t know me! You’re mine now in the first place!” she yell in possessive way. The latter turn his back at her, and was about to walk when the girl stops her

“Where are you going? Running after her?” she asks helplessly “we already talked about this right? I already warned you to stay away from her, I hate seeing you with her! I hate her! I don’t want you and her to be together!! She doesn’t deserve you! She’s useless!!!!”  she continues as if she’s throwing a tantrum

“Don’t tell me, you still love her?” she snorted, looking away but ryosuke just stood there didn’t utter any single word, he didn’t realize that the girl from behind is already crying “you don’t have any idea, how much it hurts me whenever I see you with her” she spoke, her voice was hoarse it was sign that she was in pain too, ryosuke can feel it, as he turn to her and walks nearer to give her a hug.

“Please, it’s not just her that’s hurting….. It’s me too” he kissed her temple and hugs her.

“I’m very sorry yuri, I can’t do anything!” He whispers to himself, hugging his fiancée. It’s not like, he can’t do anything, and it’s just that he was conflicted cause he was trapped between the two girls that he loves.

True that they talked about it, his fiancée acted too possessive when she found out about ryosuke’s ex-wife, it’s his fault for making her fall for him, who wouldn’t fall for someone as perfect as Yamada Ryosuke. It was one sunny afternoon when she was passing at some random resto and got surprised when she found out that her fiancé was there, the worst part is, he’s not alone but he’s with someone’s unfamiliar to her. Upset of what she saw, she do a further  or seek something to know that girl’s identity, at first she didn’t believe that Ryosuke is already married before, for the guy didn’t share his past to her. She decided to talk to him, but no she didn’t tell him of what she found out but she just warned him to stay away from yuri, and that’s the reason why latter doesn’t show up for about a week.

On the other hand, the unhappy Yuri is walking down the street doesn’t have any idea where to go, she was so loss. Everything is just so painful for her, and she regretted why she went there just too see him though she didn’t even got a chance to see him.

Founding a cold bench, she sat there putting the bento on her lap, the thought of ryosuke and his fiancée are flashing on her mind and it’s killing her, her eyes are already swollen. She opened the bento, and let herself eat it to relived her stress, while eating her baby bump catches her attention, she stops for a while putting the bento beside her and touches her tummy.

“I’m not sad, okay? I’m just… I’m... I’m happy!” yuri said, talking to the baby inside her womb, worried that the baby would be sad as well.  She rubs her tummy simultaneously. “Happy that, you’re daddy is happy now. Isn’t that nice baby? He already found a pair that would make him happy. I shouldn’t be selfish, I don’t own him. let’s just be happy for him” she then said, still rubbing her tummy gently to calm herself, her gaze is looking far away as if she was thinking deeply.

“You know what? I just wanna say I’m sorry that I can’t do anything for your daddy to come back for us, I guess I’m gonna raise you alone without a daddy. I’m sorry. i… I’m very tired of being a reserved… I’m too stupid for realizing it just now” she whispers “a girl like me doesn’t deserved him, doesn’t deserved to be love…” and again nonstop tears are flowing from her eyes “he’s happy now with… with someone else who’s better than a girl like me, i know he doesn’t want any disturbance.. He already have a peaceful life and that… we have our own life now too… just you and me baby.. I hope you understand…” she apologized

“I’m hopeless now… I don’t want to bother him anymore; I guess I’ll just end it here”

It’s already late in the night, when yuto keeps walking back and forth, he can’t stay at one place when he’s worried like this, Yuri isn’t home yet and that makes him worried.

He tried to make a phone call but she’s not answering her phone “where are you now yuri?”  He thought, until he decided to call ryosuke thinking that maybe the latter can help him during these times.

“moshi moshi, Yamada Ryosuke desu. Doushita?” said the guy from the other line

“yama-chan, it’s me yuto. I just wanted to ask if you happened to see yuri a while ago?” he asks getting straight to the point, time is too precious to waste.

“What? No, why?” ryosuke asks

“She’s not yet home. I wonder where she is right now!”

“Did you call her?”

“She’s not answering her phone!” yuto then said, as he thinks for a while. He knows that he needed to tell him this, he took a sigh before continuing “Yama-chan, I’m worried because Chinen Yuri is p..-pr” no, he wasn’t able to complete his sentence when the voice of yuri is echoing through his ears saying ‘don’t tell him yutti, I’m begging you.’ over and over again, trying to persuade the latter about not telling the truth that she’s pregnant.

“yutii what is it?” ryosuke asks confusedly, when the latter stops

“uhmm… nothing.” He shook his head, shrugging off the idea of telling him the truth “I’ll hang now. I have to go and find her. Goodnight” he said and cut the call

Not long after that, ryosuke went to yuto’s house; Good thing yuto is still there

“Have you found her?” ryosuke asks, but the latter shook his head. “Where are the places that she could possibly go?” he continue to asks

“I don’t know!” he gasps, messing his hair “I don’t have any idea where to find her. She usually stays at home.”

“Ugh. Why is she always making everyone worried!” ryosuke shriek irritably, yuto heard it and stare at him

“I’m very sure that she’s not doing it on purpose, I know Chinen Yuri!!  I know her very well” yuto justified, obviously doesn’t like what ryosuke said

“How can you so sure then?” ryosuke asks a little frustrated, as if the latter is telling him that he doesn’t know her very well “what do you think of what she’s doing right now?!! She’s not yet her, not even calling us not even telling where she is right now? Do you think, what she’s doing is right? No!! Making everyone worried and wait isn’t right!!” he gasped “I know her too! She’s my wife!! Even when you turn the world upside down, you can't deny that fact!” they didn’t realize that they were started to fight over something.

“Too indelicate of you Yamada Ryosuke!!! You don’t have heart!!!!” yuto shouted right in front of him, he honestly wanted to tell him all the things that he have done to yuri “yes! I know, she’s your wife! But…. You’re heartless!!!!  How can you leave her alone? How can you leave such girl and hurt her too much that you could've ever imagine?!!!!” yuto continue furiously “how I wish that I didn’t let you win her heart” he titled his head “I can give her a happy life, in contrast to what you gave to her! I think what I saw and know are enough for me to prove how stupid you are as a man” ryosuke stays quite yuto’s words are like daggers that’s excruciating him, yuto is right, definitely is right, all those things he said are all true and no lies, and now he felt any guilt, yuto look stare at him, and realize what he just said, he heaved a sigh letting go of the tension and trying to calm himself

“You’re my best bud, you were like a little brother to me but I think what you’re doing is too much and I can’t tolerate you anymore. I love yuri ever since,…. i… I love her as a girl and not as a friend and it hurts me when she chooses you over me, but I learned to move on and let the life goes on…yuri said to herself that she shouldn’t be selfish, and that’s what I learned from her. When it comes to love we shouldn’t be selfish, that’s the reason why she let you have another girl that according to her will give you what you want” yuto said, his phone vibrated and got a text message from Yuri

To Yutti

Can you fetch me at the bus station near the subway? I’ll wait for you

From Yuri

He closes his phone, grab his coat and quickly get out of the house leaving the silent ryosuke alone. The latter’s mind is still buffering.

Arriving at the waiting shed, he saw her there sitting alone and the look on her face shows how tired she is right now.

When yuri saw his car, she stood up and show a light yet tired smile to him

“glad you came” she said, her voice is soft and low as always that you needed to stand near her just to hear her voice

Yuto wants to get mad at her for once, for staying late at night but he can’t, he can’t even let himself shout and get mad at her, for he knows that yuri is so fragile.

“Where have you been?” yuto asks “I was worried, wondering where are you?”

“I’m sorry for making you worried” she bows respectfully

“It’s ok” he sighs, opening the car door for her, there’s no more argument that happen, both of them are too tired to do such thing.

The trip went silently as no one had this urge to open up a topic, arriving at home yuto turn to her and not realizing that she had fallen asleep on their way home, he unbuckle the seatbelt and carefully carried her in bridal style, he doesn’t want to wake her up he knows that she’s tired and she need to rest.

He got surprise when ryosuke is still there waiting for them to arrive; yuto opens the door of the room. Putting the sleeping lady there, and covering her small frame with a blanket. He closes the door and walking back to the living room.

“How is she? What happened?” ryosuke asks worriedly

“She’s fine, she fell asleep on our way home.” yuto assured

“yokatta~” the latter sighs, looking at his wristwatch, it’s very late a night and he needed to go home now “ja~ I have to go!” he said and yuto just nodded

“Take care” yuto reminded, ryosuke was about to open the door but he stops and turn to face his best bud.

“Thank you for taking care of yuri in my place! Thank you so much yutti!” he taps his friend shoulder

“It’s okay.”


Uh- Hello there! I’m alive again, it took you ages to wait for this chapter and I’m sorry for that. Am I that stupid for hurting yuri that much? You know guys, my mind are full of angst. I swear I’m already inlove with that genre, crap that! I hate seeing my parents /yamachii/ in difficulties, It hurts me, it makes me sad but I’m the one who always making them sad, I’m so crazy! Right?

Comments are very much welcome! Arigato. Please don’t think that I don’t miss you guys! Coz i’ve been missing you guys so baadddlyyyy!!

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