
Mar 09, 2011 11:51

Forgive the long absence. I’ve been meaning to update with the birth story, but after three long weeks, I’ve only managed to write a few paragraphs. And it seems silly to forgo all updates - especially since every day seems to bring a new milestone for Baby Dex. So the birth story will have to wait. I’ll get it done one day. For now, I will focus on that one specific joy that all mothers seem to share: the joy of bragging about our kids.

I know it is the biggest cliche in the World of Mommy, but I can’t get past the idea that my son is the most beautiful baby ever born. His gorgeous cerulean eyes, which stare into mine while he eagerly sucks at my breasts… his peaches and cream complexion, covered in softy downy fur… his beautiful head of hair which looks dark like mommy’s, but promises to lighten like daddy’s. His tiny fingers and tiny toes with their tiny nails that I have to watch out for, as he’s constantly scratching his beautiful face.  His perfect little peachy bottom which I love to hold in my palm or pat to keep him calm.

The way his little body breathes, moves, writhes, and wiggles. Each tiny little whistling breath he takes. The way he coos and sighs.

Every second is a precious miracle, and I spend my days just staring at his tiny features and feeling proud and elated.

At 8 days old, he slept through the night.

At 19 days, he rolled over from his front to his back. Twice!

He is three weeks old today, and there have been no end of little miracles.

We are all coping as best as we can. We’ve taken thousands of photos, had dozens of visitors, gone through no end of precious little outfits. Mark and I have changed more diapers than we can count, and we’ve dealt with pee, pooh and hot curdled milk vomit in high quantities. There’s much burping and farting and noxious smells emanating from our tiny bundle, but each is met with its very own smile, laugh and encouragement. I’ve no idea when it will stop being cute, but for now, I can’t get enough of him.

There’s so much to say, so much to share.

The biggest news, which is astounding to be able to say is that Mark and I are PARENTS. I am a mother. He is a daddy. We came together and made this whole other person, and now it is up to us to raise him. To guide him through life. To turn him into someone with our best qualities…

Our litte Dexter. Our darling son. Our legacy.

Thus begins the rest of our lives.

This post originated at A Mother Thing ( If you want to leave a comment, please do so here:

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