"Hickory dickory dock, the cow leapt over the SPOOOON!"

Jul 02, 2004 15:29

Today's Caroline's birthday. Now, if she so desires, she may buy cigarettes (legally). Which hopefully she doesn't but whatever!
Hurrah for boredom and rice stuck in teeth. Dr. Scarola needs to eat cement. The soonest I can get in to the orthodontist to get my braces off is August. Seriously. Then he was too busy talking to his assistant while he putting the brackets and whatever back on and accidentally put a chain on the top and brackets on the bottom. So he was like, "Oh, well, we'll just leave the chain on the top," and put another chain on the bottom. SO NOW I HAVE LIME GREEN CHAINS ON UNTIL AUGUST. BECAUSE HE WAS TOO FREAKING LAZY TO DO IT RIGHT. And I don't even freaking NEED them and now my teeth hurt and he needs to NOT TALK during appointments and wow I am such an obnoxious brat. I am shutting up.
I have been in such a divine mood lately, I'm surprised no one has killed me.
Caroline wants to go to UO sometime whilst she's here so hopefully we'll get to that. I just finished  making her cake, then Dad came in and shoved the bag of (live) lobsters next to it in the fridge. Last time we had lobster and they were still kickin' when we bought them, Caroline and I named them after Star Wars characters; Luke, Hans, Leia, and Darth Vader. We might've had a Chewbaca too, but I can't remember. But now the thought of eating something that my dad kills AT OUR HOUSE kinda disturbs me so unless he lets me name it Hilary Duff and then smash it wish a hammer I don't know if I'll be able to eat it. I'll have to because other wise he might smash me with a hammer but whatever.
"You boil them, they don't feel anything," is what he said, but hello? Did you ask them? Yeah, I don't think so. Ask and they'll probably be like, "Ow, my exoskeleton!"
Poor crustacean.
I finished another skirt, and it's one I've been wanting to make foreth a longeth timee. Erm, shortish and cirularish and....well, it's in the same style as the dinosaur one except a tad shorter. It's white eyelet so it reminds me of summer and all that jazz, and I also put on some little loops for ribbon or scarves. So, counting ones that I've bought, there are now eighteen skirts in my closet. Holy scheisse in the pope's pants.
And they all lived happily ever after. Sort of.
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