well first off i must say congrats to corey for making homecoming court. everyone can stop iming me, cuz i already know now. and if you dont win, u know who to blame it on. "hmm ill vote for corey... no wait, wasnt she somehow or another associated with robert vargas? fuck that guy im voting for someone else"
anyway. i climbed mission peak AGAIN today. its my only means of not hating myself these days. not that i hate myself its just that yeah i cant stand me. its pretty great from the top... heres a picture i took with my cell phone last week...
here's my caption
ohlones been treating me aite as of late. my english class is starting to get interesting cuz the teacher likes me... obviously i mean, how could u not. with these (trying to think of appealing traits)... ... damn.
not much else to say. i dont know why i was bombarded with comments my last post but i didnt mind. dont do it again though or ill get more excited than a pedophile in a playground.
mitch hedbergs on conan: "are hippopotumuses really hippopotumuses or are they just cool opotumuses?"
kbye. everyone make fun of haris cuz he doesnt know who biz markie is