(no subject)

May 05, 2004 18:51

*---------------GENERAL INFO--------- *

* Starting Time: 18.51 pm
* Name On Birth Certificate : Helen Naomi Rickard
* Live : In a house
* Colour of eyes : Blue
* Hair : Is looking BEAUTIFUL cos I just had it cut, and coloured! :D
* Piercings : Nah
* Tattoos : Nah
* Sexuality : Straight.
* Brothers or sisters : 1 brother

*---------------HAVE YOU EVER---------*

* Put a body part on fire for amusement : No, weirdo!
* Been in a car accident : Nope, not yet. I very nearly was in a nasty one yesterday - no one to blame but myself though! Oh and what a celebration of my birthday that would have been... Lol.
* Been hurt emotionally : Yeah man.
* Kept a secret from everyone: Probably. I forget secrets after a while though.
* Wanted to hook up with a friend if yes please name : Yeah, and no, I won't name. 
* Cried during a Movie : Not properly, I've welled up, but never had tears pouring down my face, no!
* Smoked fags : No
* Smoked weed : No
* Watched the film Beetle juice: Erm, no, actually!
* Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape or CD : Never
* Cut your hair ON YOUR HEAD : Um, I've never cut it myself no.
* Cut your other hair NOT ON YOUR HEAD : Nose hair? Haha..... I joke.
* Been sarcastic : No - don't be so STUPID.
* Seen a ghost: No lol.

*----- Favourite-----*

* Shampoo : Whatever I happen to be using.
* Thing to have a wash with : Soap? Foamy stuff? Water????
* Colour : Pink, dark purple, turqoise at the moment too.
* Day/Night : Night.
* Spring/Summer/Autumn or Winter : Spring.
* Sports brand : Bench!!!!!!
* Cartoon Characters : I dunno - I'll say Spongebob just for Jess - although I've never ever watched it.
* Fave TV soap : Neighbours, Home & Away
* Fave Ice Cream : Ben & Jerry's Phish Food
* Fave Subject : Things that I know about. 
* Fave non-alcoholic Drink : Coke? 
* Fave alcoholic Drink : No idea.

*----------------RIGHT NOW------------ *

* Wearing : Blue jeans, purple top, pink jumper.
* Feeling : Ill, tired, hungry, thirsty, hating the Darkness on the radio :@
* Eating : Nothing right now.
* Drinking : Coke, in a minute.
* Have a craving for : Ah yeah a hug would be nice, and some food, or sleep, or just being able to breathe would be nice - it's a luxury you know.
* Thinking about: When I'm going to wash my hair, how much I don't want to go to college tomorrow..etc, etc.
* Looking at : You :-)
* Listening to : The Darkness - aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
* Talking to on the internet : Jess and Matthew

*---------IN THE LAST 24 HrS-------- *

* Cried : Nope
* Laughed : Yeah loads.
* Been out: Yeppers.
* Met someone new if yes who : Yeah, Rich's boss.
* Had sex : No lol.

*----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------*

* Yourself : I do indeederly.
* pop music : Yes.
* Rap or hiphop : Yes, if you insist.
* Friends : Hmmm - only the ones that count. True friends, I mean.
* Santa Claus : Lol yeah I wish I did too Jess, it would be way more fun than not believing!
* Tooth Fairy : Same - it would be funner (new word) if I did.
* Destiny/Fate : Yeah, destiny.
* Angels : Yeah.
* Ghosts : Nah.
* UFO's : Nah.

*------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------- *

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend : Yes!
* Who's the loudest : Ruth I'd say.
* Who's the weirdest : Ummm... lol.
* Who do you go to for advice : No one really. Claire if I do though.
* Who makes you laugh the most: Ummm - lots of people do.
* Who do you cry with : Myself.
* When you last cried the most: A while ago now.
* Who do you hate most of all : I don't *hate* anyone, there are just some people I reeeeally don't like.
* Who is your best friend/s : They know who they are :-)
* Who have you had the biggest crush on : Uhhh - I dunno. I don't really do crushes.
* What's the best Feeling in the world : Hugs!
* Worst Feeling : No hugs!
* Best part of your body : Right now it's my hair - hehe.
* Worst part : Oh... ummm... I dunno. 
* Best person for a cuddle : I would actually have to say it's Rich right now - plus he doesn't give them very often so that makes them better when I do get them lol.
* Who sent this 2u: Well Jessica posted it on her journal.
* How are you feeling at the end of this : Still hungry, thirsty, tired, a bit bored.
* Finish time : 19.09 pm
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