1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You post the answers & questions on your journal.
4. You include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else.
5. Add meme perpetuation line, etc.
Interviews by
ellnyx 1. Apart from the redheadedness, why Wakka?
-Is redheadedness not enough? I am of the firm opinion that men are best when ginger-flavored (much like cookies). XD
In truth, Wakka has always struck me as one of the more dynamic characters in FFX, and it's a shame he is so often overlooked by the fanbase. At first, he appears as the personification of everything I hated about high school; he's your stereotypical jock, a racist, and a religious fanatic. My first thought was "oh shit, get in the car, we're leaving." However, Wakka grows substantially over the course of the game, both as a character and as a human being, through his relationships with Tidus, Yuna, and most importantly, Rikku. It's not a case of "Big Dumb Jock sees the error of his ways and is cured of his prejudice" but rather "Big Dumb Jock is not a big dumb jock, but actually a pretty decent guy, one who learns to think for himself and acknowledge that some people are different and that's okay."
Wakka is not necessarily my favorite character in FFX *cough* Auron *cough*, nor is he the most significant. Far from it, actually, as he has very little influence on the actual plot. The way I see it, he is the poster-boy for Spira's status quo His evolution as a character can be interpreted as a representation of the massive cultural shifts that the general population must face over the course of these two games (which are more heavily emphasized in FFX-2, hence why I am one of the five people on Earth of genuinely liked the game; I am all over this cultural shifting thing). I love love love the cultural aspect of FFX, and that love often carries over to the big adorable oaf, hence the username.
He's also a rather tasty morsel of man-candy, if I must say so. XD
2. Name a few of your favourite games and why they're favourites.
-Good golly, this should be fun. I've already mentioned that I am a whore for games that analyze and reflect the constant turmoil of society and culture and religion and all that other fun stuff they force us to write about in college. This is why a substantial portion of my life has been devoted entirely to Final Fantasy Tactics (particularly the PSP port). Sure, the gameplay is nice: it's challenging, engaging and more than a little addictive; but when all 900 characters start literally stabbing each other in the back, overthrowing their monarchies, abusing their religious power, selling their souls to the devil, killing their children, and orchestrating massive civil wars to summon Ultima the Bloody-motherfucking-Angel, I COMPLETELY LOSE MY SHIT. If this game were a human being, I would marry him and offer mind-bogglingly-amazing sex equivalent to a 10 on the Richtor scale every hour, on the hour, for the rest of forever. That's how much I love this game.
As far as the FF series goes, I have yet to find a game that I genuinely dislike, because each game has it's quirks but also it's own charm.
The Phoenix Wright series is pretty fab too. Who new that lawyers could be so fun (and so stylishly dressed)? :)
3. What's a habit of yours that you wish you could just switch off?
-Biting my nails. Ugh. It's a horrible, disgusting habit and I wish there were some kind readily-available of therapy for this behavior. I get nervous and twitchy if my mouth isn't busy doing something at all times, and I hate the texture of chewing gum and the very act of speaking constantly when I have nothing to say. My mouth has a mind of its own and will actively seek things to occupy its space, so if not my nails, it will exhaust a steady supply erasers, pen caps, plastic cutlery, and anything else that will fit.
I choose to remain blissfully unaware of any possible innuendo in this response.
4. Do you think friendships look like Venn diagrams (ie, overlapping interests, large areas of disinterest), or more like solar systems (ie, one person becomes a central point, with a gravitational pull that influences everything another 'body' does)?
-Hm, I suppose that depends on the friendship itself. I've learned very recently that two people need not have any overlapping interests to be friends, so long as their personalities compliment one another. I would assume that most healthy relationships (platonic or otherwise) would function more like a Venn diagram, where both parties bring something to the table. However, it's inevitable that friends will influence each other much like celestial bodies, though whether my friends' influence on me is a result of their personalities or their gravitational fields, I don't know.
5. Do you enjoy the subject matter of what you're studying? (Even if, maybe, you don't necessarily like the process of studying?)
-While yes, I am very passionate about writing (it is second in my heart only to my sister and vanilla ice cream), there are a number of other subjects I've always wanted to explore. There's been this idea bouncing in the bag of my brain, saying "Ryu, fuck this, go to film school. Go make movies for a living." And there are days when I wake up and the very thought of printed words on paper makes me sick. Is it possible that everyone experiences this from time to time? Whether or not I want to devote my life to books is still very much up to debate, but there's no question that I wholeheartedly enjoy the subject matter.