This Week's Happenings

Jun 04, 2009 17:54

-The nice UPS people delivered Havemercy by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett. I love this book like cake, despite several glaring flaws (for example where are all the women?). But how can I possibly resist the political intrigue, the ROBOT DRAGONS, the BOY-KISSING?! It's like a slightly gayer medieval Gundam Wing, with a touch of The Legend of Dragoon, but with FFXII's dialogue. Basically, it is JOY INCARNATE.

-The Dad is back from Africa! He'll be in DC for much of the summer, so I can look forward to baseball games and museum exhibits and movie theaters with him and the Stepmom (who is heavily pregnant with Little Sister #2). Squee.

-I'm way behind on my "Two"-Sentence Movie Reviews. May was a really awesome month for me and my dearest mistress, Film, but I think I'll just combine last month's reviews with those of June for DOUBLE THE AWESOME., and thus double the fun.

-It has come to my attention that I am very bad with money. Very bad.

-My sister wrote down 500 one-word themes/prompts for writing/drawing/pornography/whatever on little slips of paper and put them into a box. So, whenever I hit a roadblock on Creativity Lane, I am to pluck a prompt from the box and go nuts. Expect many great things in the future.

-Preliminary work on what will eventually be a webcomic by yours truly is underway. Sprite comics are difficult, so I've decided to go ahead and do this shit by hand. We'll see if it lasts more than a week after going online. I call it The Marvelous Misadventures of Thunder and Cross; Including (But Not Limited To) The Quest for the Fabled 1000-Proof Absinthe. It's a working title.

-Ye Olde Webcam crapped out after filming the first installment of the video!blog. Not entirely sure what the problem is, but maybe it's trying to tell me something. This problem must be rectified soon, at least before Sarge gets jetted off to Hawaii, as the entire point of the thing is to keep him entertained while he bakes to a crisp in the merciless sun. WORRY NOT, BIG. I'M WORKING ON IT.


failing at life, buttsecks, illustrated contributions to society

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