Mar 16, 2004 13:31
monday march 15, 2004:
-turn in paper at noon. listen to punk covers on way there and back.
-finish 'the crying on lot 49' in the meadow topless
-start a craft project for my mom
-later... smoke in meadow with boys from home (ben, sol, drew, gordon), jon and his boys from home (kevin and ton), and dylan came over eventually.
-sat in quad a while. talked to shannon and becca a while
-smoked too many cigarettes, but had some altoids gum -- makes you not want to smoke and perfect after a smoke too
-smoked on my bed with dylan
-brandon joined us on our trip to 7-11, my first time
-took the perimiter the long way around, dylan and i had live velvet underground on the ipod and it worked so well with the radio songs playing and the rattling of the bus
-gave in -- bought corporate food at 7-11, the other two got bags full of stuff
-dont know
-went to bed
it was a very relaxing day
tuesday the 16th:
-less relaxing but good
-work on project in morning while dylan and kristen study
-breakfast outside
-on the quad a while
-good pizza from the bookstore
-bought Davy a ucsc frisbee, cant forget to pack that
-need to pack
-will smoke later, maybe with kristen too
-rememberd that i like simon and garfunkel a lot
-dinner with heather anne ben gordon drew dylan
-sit on stage a while with dylan in quad
-time for a nap
home tomorrow, gotta drink some 40s before the greyhound because its st. patricks day, if only i had green food dye!