Dec 06, 2008 01:59
Well, I decided that updating every moment on facebook could get annoying, so I went even more annoying and joined Twitter, the online community for people who want you to know everything about them, including but not limited to yours truly.
I realized now why I haven't deleted my LJ account.
People still use this thing. People I know and trust.
And some people who I don't know or are stalking me... possibly.
The point is, I really thought I had no time to collect my thoughts, but now I'm here trying to not die of the brain overload that just happened in the past hour.
I have been storming mad over my brother trying to put a Christmas tree into the living room. Albeit a small thing and looks sorta cute, it's a fucking Christmas tree. I have no idea, but when I'm driving with him and he gets into the Christmas spirit by listening to 94.9fm and listening to Christmas music, I cannot help but bah and humbug at the excess of it all! I usually have nothing to hate about Christmas, but it's intermixed with some other feelings I hate too.
My luck with women has put me into this position: Every time I approach I girl, I realize that This is going to be a completely fucking, utterly miserable failure.
It's nothing I disregard about myself. It's just that I find myself becoming friends with a lot of married women and everybody has seen this shit go down. Not that I'm complaining about these friendships, but what the hell?
While I laugh about it, these are the moments I don't know where to go with it. Yes, I do music, and I'm fucking good but I feel like I'm playing to nobody but myself. And all I do is critique myself. I need a challenge beyond the open mic where people know I'm good. I've proven that to others and myself.
I'm sick of something, and it's not just this damn burrito.
My brow is furrowed and I want K-half noise, wherever you are.
Time for the pen.
(-J.)™ is more than a dream, more than the seams that have loosened by years