SO I'm pretty excited about this weekend but I'll mention my fabulous yesterday first. So yesterday Patrick and I went down to this old crzy junk yard in detroit, not gunna lie! it was a bit scary but abOve all it was by far the most interesting place I've ever been, had it not been so cold I would have been digging around in the cars myself. Basicly you go to this junk yard, strip off parts from crashed cars and pay for the parts you take at super cheap prices. So I watched Patrick take some parts off and he explained what everything was and I helped a bit here and there and had a good time. AFter the junk yard adventure we went to this Greek Coney Island and he treated me to dinner upon arriving home we went with Kay and he buddy Wesley to the FRAG center to play some FPS games.
This weekend (tomarrow rather) Patrick and I are going to a comic book shop in GR to play some magical cards and see some of his buddies which I'm pretty stoked about, mostly because I get to spend time with Patrick and secondly I'm getting outta L-town for a smidge. Saturday night we are going to see 300 which got a descent rating at
ROTTEN TOMATO at the Imax theater also going to be a blood killin adventure so yeah hope ya'll have a good safe weekend! Then saturday I'm picking up chris from the airport after shooting for autumns awesome freak show movie and then sunday I'm going to the CIRCUS =DDDD for Autumns birthday!!!! Happy Early birthday my dear!!!!