Mar 04, 2007 13:09
His name is Patrick and he is fantastic
Patrick came over after I left work yesterday and we went to Pruess from my house,in HIS car, is it a bad thing that I am this imprssed over the fact that yes he has a car and yes he is willing to drive me? (did I mention he opens the door for me every time with out fail? *giddy*) But anyways went to Preuss Pets and we bought some live plants for his turtle aquarium and his fish aquarium We also got some new fish and he let me pick them out: we got a pink beta and I named him limey and then two sword Tails (male and female) nd I named them Billy Idol and Cyndi Lauper. We then planted all the new plants in his tanks and released the feeder fish into the turtle tank which the turtles happily devoured. Then I payed for us to go see The Number 23 which was a really good story Jim Carrey was however emi dissapointing for some reason. AFter the movie we went back to his house and played some Magic cards and he uilt me my own elf deck while revaling in our pure geekdom muwahah
summary: see first sentance