You know, I really can't ever think of clever subjects.

Nov 16, 2006 14:23

So I went out the other night and got utterly smashed with... er... who all was even there? I don't entirely remember. I know Godric and Salazar were, and Malfoy and Harry. And probably Sirius. And since he was there that means Remus likely was as well.

Er. Yeah, that's all I remember. I suppose that's what I get for drinking so much Firewhisky.

Seamus is staying with me for the time being. I think he really was on the verge of madness, between Merlin and the Founders and all the havoc they appear to be wreaking in his backyard. Shame on the lot of you.

Oi Sirius. You remember those throw pillows you talked me into buying? ...Are they supposed to be making growling noises?

sirius, founders, alcohol, harry, seamus, remus, the flat, draco

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