More answers to interview questions...

Aug 17, 2006 23:54

Well, I got a ton of responses for interviews. So, uh...

1. Do you feel that being the only female child is advantageous or not?
It has its ups and downs. Sometimes it's really nice...let's say that I've gotten very good at the puppy-dog pout. Other times it can be very frustrating - I do have six older brothers after all.
2. I know Harry and you were...involved for a time. What do you think of his altest obsession with Malfoy? Curious. Or at least, I was, until I got an answer out of him. Now I'm just a bit startled...but I don't mind. Harry and I were over a long time ago.
3. Any idea what you want to do when you finish up at Hogwarts? If so, what?
[ooc: Uuuh, not sure how to answer this one, as I'm playing Ginny as being about eighteen, which would technically mean she's out of Hogwarts... >>;; ]
4. Do you have a favorite sibling?
Not as such, no. I'm closer to Ron, since he's only a year older than me, and I'm Fred and George's...partner in crime, so to speak, but I could never pick a favorite.
5. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be and why?
Um. I'm sort of short...I'd like to be a couple of inches taller, but that's really all. I'm pretty happy with the way I look.

1. Are you still crushing on Harry? I can so see why-- he is such a cutie! ^^
No, not anymore. *laughs* I was sad when we broke up, of course, but I'm past it now.
2. When did you perform your first Bat Bogey Hex?
Um. You know, I don't remember. I was probably about thirteen or so.
3. Have you ever harbored secret sexual thoughts about Draco Malfoy? You and Draco are paired up quite often. ^^
Well, I'll freely admit that like any other half-sane female, I can recognise a reasonably attractive male when I see one, but I've never had any desire to actually get to know him. *shudder*
4. What do you think of the subtext-y H/D we have going on at BNF?
It's...surprising, to say the least, but like I said to Remus, I don't mind. Harry is his own person and can make his own decisions.
5. Have you ever been in love-- real love, not crushing on someone?
Back when Harry and I were dating I certainly thought I loved him, but I don't know - I was only fifteen, after all. Then again, no-one ever said love couldn't be a changing thing.

1. Who was your first kiss, and was it good?
Michael Corner, and no, not particularly. *grimace*
2. Have you ever been to Japan, if no will ever ever come to Japan?
No, I have not; I'm actually Apparating down there this Saturday to stay with Matt for a couple of days and see Tokyo.
3. Have you ever felt ashamed of being a 'witch'?
Nope, not once. Why would I?
4. What is you favorite spell and why?
The Bat Bogey Hex is sort of my "signature move," so to speak. Basically it makes a bunch of bats fly in your face...and it's close to impossible to get the to go away until the hex wears off. *grin*
5. Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?
Not particuarly.

1. What's the best prank you've ever pulled on someone?
The best? Oh, Merlin, I don't know...I've done so many I can't even remember them all at this point.
2. What's the fastest you can go on a broom?
Hmmm. I've never been clocked on mine, that I'm aware of, but I do know they can go much faster than a Muggle car - with a good rider the professional racing brooms can even go faster than our the human eye can really track.
3. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Trust something when I couldn't see where it kept its brain. *glaaaaare*
4. What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?
The most exciting...hmmm. I dunno, coming to Japan is gonna be pretty exciting...I've never been that far from home before, and especially not without adult supervision. ^_~
5. What sort of things do you look for in a boyfriend?
A sense of humor - the ability to make me laugh; similar interests, but not identical ones; genuine curiosity about and interest in me, as a person...someone I can be friends with. Of course, it doesn't hurt if they're attractive.

1. Can you do the Hokey Pokey?
What's the Hokey Pokey?
2. And can you shake it all about?
Yes. *grin*
3. Favorite hex?
The Bat Bogey Hex; see above.
4. Have you ever played a muggle sport such as tennis?
No, I haven't. I'm sort of curious now, though.
5. Do you collect anything?
Nope. I've never been particularly interested in anything that was cheap enough to collect. I'd like to collect something like broomsticks, but those are expensive, so... *shrug*

1. Mmm...Do you like it rough? In any sense you like, of course.
2. Do you consider yourself morally upright?
Generally speaking, yes. I'll be the first to admit that I can hold a grudge, and that I most definitely have a...mischevious streak. But I like to think that I can recognise the difference between right and wrong.
3. If you had to kill someone, how would you do it?
In all likelihood, as quickly and painlessly as I could - not with Avada Kedavra, though.
4. What do you feel is the meaning of life?
Finding happiness, however that may happen.
5. What is your favorite type of magic, if there is such a thing?
...I'm a witch, Kimbley. And there aren't really types, as much as different ways of casting spells... see my answer to Yukimura's question.

1. Favorite prank to play on anyone?
Why does everyone keep asking me about pranks? ...I don't know; I don't generally go for the sort of prank that will humiliate someone in front of a lot of other people, just for laughs. I prank for revenge.
2. What's your worst nightmare?
A repeat of my first year.
3. Would you ever give up your magic, even for a day?
Not a chance. I love being a witch. Besides which, I'm not sure it can be taken away...
4. Favorite type of candy?
Ummmm. Nearly anything with chocolate and marshmallow in it.
5. What's the best gift you've ever received?
See my response to L's questions, in my last post.

magic, remus, matt, pranks, japan, meme

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