I ramble, don't I.

Aug 17, 2006 18:32

I didn't do much today...or the day before that. Mostly I'm just sort of sitting around being useless. And responding to people's LiveJournal posts.

What's this I keep hearing about a trial? Clearly I missed something, because I wasn't aware there was a trial.

Matt, when did you want to do our Tokyo...adventure? I'm free for most of the next week or so, after tomorrow.

Also, evidently I cannot follow directions at all. So, my answers to the questions from L's meme:

1. How many times have others asked you if your red hair is natural or not?
Approximately 5,422. Very few, actually. We Weasleys are rather infamous for our hair.
2. Have you ever considered dying your hair? If yes, what color?
I rather like purple...
3. Would you prefer strawberry cheesecake, or black forest mousse cake? Why?
I'm female. Black forest mousse cake.
4. What was a present that you received that you liked the most?
For my fifteenth birthday the twins helped me plan a...surprise for Michael Corner - one of my exes. He's not likely to forget it anytime soon.
5. Black or white?
Black. Looks better with my hair.

And, accordingly...

1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going.

I had the cartilage on my left ear pierced. It hurts rather a lot. Hopefully it will heal soon and stop aching.

matt, lj, meme

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