Name: Emmeline Vance
Format: Diary entry (image)
Date: 6 August, 1995
Relevance: Contact with Harry Potter and Order HQ
6 August
Today we brought Harry Potter from his Muggle relatives in Surrey. Muggle houses do feel distinctly different from wizarding ones, even taking into account the obsessive neatness of this one. I was mildly surprised to learn that Vernon Dursley attended Smeltings himself, but that area of Muggle education has never been of particular interest to me.
We spent less than half an hour in the house in Little Whinging, but it was long enough to cause a restless homesickness for Cambridge. This house has not the lightness of air as that. But then, if it were not for Bishop's Stortford's long magical history, I would not have a house here. I am glad that I am not in London. Headquarters is so full of magic it is sometimes difficult to keep still. I know it is what others miss when in the Muggle world, but I cannot wait to be free. There is nothing to do for it, but work towards the end of the war. Our hopes lie in a frustrated fifteen year old boy, but it was a good meeting tonight.