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Dec 14, 2009 13:17

i hate rap rock. just can't stand it. when i hear the term 'rap rock' it conjures Korn or worse, fred durst who i think has proven you can be worse on the celeb food chain than vanilla ice. (i can only hope that fred and that chick from that jersey shore show that L was telling me about hook up.) I also can't help but think of kid rock when i hear rap rock, but to be fair, he did start out as a rapper, and when the rap world said, "uh, yeah, see we just don't think white boys can rap", he found a way to work it in anyway. still, the music and lyrics of the radio play rap rockers has always been the sort of drivel i can't stand. just out and out can't stomach. it's like the management for nickel back got together and said "ok, we want to appeal to white trash, under education, overly biggoted small minded males, ages 15 to 23. so all the lyrics need to center on said demographics hobbies and interests". the lyrics and music for bands like fred durst and korn are trite and lacking in any sort of orginality. I'll give kid rock his due in that at least his first singles to have any sort of play were different from everything else. granted the lyrics never even attempted to assume the listener had anything more than a 4th grade literacy ability, but it was still more high brow than andrew wk. so how is it that one of my favorite bands could have spawned such an absymal genre that i absolutely HATE? how could a band that really, imho, orginated the rock rap fusion (much more so than the one off aerosmith/run dmc colaboration) have done it so well and yet in the next decade this style was to become something i just could not stand at all (to be honest, i did like korn up until life is peachy. everything after that album was just yick. jonathan davis needs to learn that after a few sucessful albums and your late 20s, bitching about mommy and daddy gets old. get new material. you are now rich enough you don't have to do what mommy and daddy say.)

so with out anymore rambling, i present sponge bob doing "i'm the man"

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