(no subject)

Dec 10, 2009 14:29

good grief. three times today.
oh well. i'm finally starting to feel comfortable on lj again. like i know it is still a public forum, and there is nothing to stop someone who really really really wanted to from reading anything on here, even the privated stuff.

but i dunno...i just feel a bit liberated and slightly have that feeling of this is mine and this is where i go to rant and rave. yay.

anyway, i want to stick an update here about my cats. mostly inspired from some commenting and such from a comm yesterday.

so feel free to stop reading as i can talk a lot about my cats. you know those random strangers who will start popping out wallet sized pictures of their crotch droppings and telling you way way way more than you care to know about strangers kids??
yeah, that's me, except with cats.


sadie, who is my old gray cat is still alive. that sounds like such a terrible introduction, but really, at her age, that is of great note. she weighs almost nothing, when you pick her up, it's like picking up a bag of small twigs. (and you even worry you'll hear her bones snapping.) while she is not the weight she was two years ago, her weight loss has been very very slow, really un noticeable. she still eats and drinks normally, although she likes getting wet food. a few weeks ago i began giving her private soft food feedings in the bathroom with the door closed. i don't want to switch everyone to soft food and it is much more affordable to only feed her the goopy stuff. the babies get the left overs, but she gets dinner alone, just for her. she still won't bath herself, so i wipe her down nightly with cat wet wipes (no really, they make such a thing) and comb her. i have noticed in the last year she seems to drink more water, but i didn't notice this until right after i bought the fancy cat water fountain. i kinda think she just really digs the fountain.
i'm a bit worried...sunday she came into the living room and i noticed she had a great deal of yellow eye gunk (she's always had some amount of eye crusties, some cats just do. the are usually a normal color and not a lot) this was the thick, sticky gross stuff that tells me either it is allergies, a viral/bacteria infection, or it could be the beginning of renal failure. so if this had been bli, i'd not even worried. but because of sadie's age, i worry. i rinsed her eye well and have been keeping it clean and keeping an eye on it. monday evening i was much less concerned because her eye goop appeared to be becoming much less thick and much less yellow and by this morning her eye looks totally fine. she doesn't care much for the eye cleanings or washings, but i swear the other day after we rinsed both out (the other just had a normal amount of normal colored sleep), i swear she looked at me in a way that said "well that sucked, but it is better. it is as weird as that time, long ago, i still lived at home even....she had something stuck in her paw and i was holding her and my dad said he'd try to pull it out with tweezers. i put her in my lap, holding her sort of like she was a baby, and to my dad's and my astonisment, she stuck her injured paw out toward him and did not complain or try to move until it was removed. it was very weird...for a cat.

last night, after i'd yelled at the babies to get away, sadie took to sitting under the christmas tree, one of her favorite things to do. since i feel like sadie is too old to discipline, and she knows it, she napped there for a long while with a very very smug look on her face.

oblivian...never name a cat oblivian. Bli has been more friendly than usual lately. i dont know if she's just finaly becoming a grown up kitty (she is now about two and a half) or if me getting the water bottle back out to make aries mind me and leave her alone when she isn't interested in playing has been at fault for my now "love me! love me!" little girl. well...little might be a misnomer. she still is a small framed cat. she always will be. but now she has a tiny little head and a butterball body. but she is still under ten pounds, probably overweight for her frame, but not by a big enough amount i'm worried. besides, i seem to have put on weight i can't get off, too. Bli isn't happy i moved the sofa this week. she can no loner stand on the back of it and look out the window. and sadly, the window ceils (seals?) aren't as wide as they were at the apartment, so this week i've seen lots of ungraceful loss of footing or balance while she has been spying on the birds. i adore the look she has whenever one of these loss of footing happens. it's always a look like "i MEANT to do that" and should the boy cat run over to her, she'll slap him, as if to say "i need no help! get away from me!' i'm happy she is becoming more friendly. she's always been fine with me, and she took to L easy enough...but she's never been much of a lap cat. she's more of a "i will chose when i bless you with my furry butt sitting on you. i will decide at that time if i require pettin's or not" i've been encouraging her to follow me into the bathroom in the mornings and locking the boy out. she seems to enjoy this time in the mornings. she is still bat shit insane and i think always will be. i adore her little weird meow. it's more of a meowryep sound and she lifts her "lip" in a way that reminds me of billy idol when she meows. she is the only good thing to come out of the relationship with my ex. well, that and my sanity.

aries...aka capt awesome. if that cat gets much bigger, i won't be able to pick him up. he has a habit lately of standing on his back legs, alot like how meer cats do, when he wants to check something out, especially things i think are out of cat reach. i forget how massive he is until i'm doing somethign like brushing my teeth and there is a cat head right there as i'm rinsing. i've had to get the squirt bottle out again lately. he's been with me for just about a year now and seems to be going thru some sort of teen age rebellion. his meow is loud and high pitched. and he isn't as vocal as old lady sadie, but does tend to "bitch" at me. when he wants attention and his trick of standing up on two legs and rubbing his head against me repeatedly doesn't work, he starts yelling at me. he is still in the habit of running full speed with out thinking about a stopping plan - resulting in him bonking his head into things continually. i love my little man, but he tends to be hard to discpline and is sooo big.

the only complaint about my kitties is the poop. man can they poop. i think sometimes they sit around while i'm at work and just poop. (either that or they are running an illegal nip ring!) i really really really wish i could find the almost $400 for one of those litter robots. i would so much like to have a cat poop death star.....but i have a hard time justifying spending that much on something to collect cat poo.


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