You rock! You're writing me a story! Eeee!
The only things that would truly disappoint me would be mpreg, genderfuck, and December holiday stories. I'm very easy indeed! I don't even require happy endings.
If you're writing me slash, I love UST. I love first times. I like a little plot with my porn. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex, either.
Dead Like Me
I heart Mason. I heart Mason's big heart, too. And Kiffany. She's so steady and sane and beautiful. I'm sort of flailing here - go inarticulate me - and all that comes out is: "Mason! Kiffany! Eee!"
I love the poignancy of this show and the humor.
I think I covered this about as well as I can in my prompts. The movie's not high art by any means, but it's fun and funny and has a chunk of heart in it as well. (And Callum Blue in a wet wifebeater.*g*)
I have to admit, I copied two of my prompts straight from last year's request, so I'm going to copy what I wrote about those fandoms in last year's DYA letter, too. Also, I know I said "Any characters" then asked if some could be avoided in the optional details for both of them; if you specified that you'd only write for those characters? I accept that Optional Details Are Optional. *g* I'm easy!
Da Vinci's Inquest
This show is amazing. It's populated by a group of very real characters, good and bad and oh so very grey. I love most of them. The Ovaltine cafe is nearly one in its own right! My hands-down favorite characters are Dominic, Zack, Leo, and Bob Kelly, with Dominic at the apex of the pyramid. The next layer's got to be Angela, Mick, Rose, Chick, Brian, and Helen. *hearts them all*
There is something about every single episode that I can point out that makes me gleeful or blows me away, so I won't.
I did say that I'd prefer gen in this fandom, but if you're coming solely from a due South/Callum Keith Rennie perspective and don't think you can write anything else, I don't mind Bob Marlowe slashed with Mick Leary.
FYI, there's a few episodes up on Youtube.
Cold Squad
I didn't really give you many actual ideas when I wrote the prompt for this one, just rhapsodized about things I love about the show, so I won't squee any more here. I will let you know that season 2, season 7, and a couple other episodes are available through a community you can find by poking about in my profile, and season 1 is out on DVD. These people just rock so hard.
If you need any more details about my likes or dislikes, you can try asking
theamusedone via his LJ email address.
Have fun, and pleaseplease don't stress too much!