On Sunday we went out and purchased a new washer and dryer. Not just ANY washer and dryer, but a FRONT LOAD!!! We will finally be part of the elite
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WOHOO! That's great. Although I have to say Winnipeg math is weird... cause by my calculations you are saving 10400 gallons... but that's still awesome!!
Apparently I can not type out a LJ entry and do math when I am excited :P UGH!!!
The machines are in... and working. Currently washing load #4!!! YAHOO!!!! 8 minutes left on the dryer and 13 minutes left on the washer... I LOVE that it tells me how long! Now I know whether I have time to shower, do dishes, or write an LJ entry in between loads!!!!
It is truly a happy day!
Oh yeah... did I mention that they aren't even white? They are called Diamond Dust ... so they look silver-ish! I LOVE IT!!!
Ok.... enough about washers and dryers.... people are going to start thinking that I need a life :P
Comments 3
The machines are in... and working. Currently washing load #4!!! YAHOO!!!! 8 minutes left on the dryer and 13 minutes left on the washer... I LOVE that it tells me how long! Now I know whether I have time to shower, do dishes, or write an LJ entry in between loads!!!!
It is truly a happy day!
Oh yeah... did I mention that they aren't even white? They are called Diamond Dust ... so they look silver-ish! I LOVE IT!!!
Ok.... enough about washers and dryers.... people are going to start thinking that I need a life :P
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