Mar 27, 2007 15:01
I know, I know, long time no write, right? There's no excuse, really, but accept my apologies that this entry is coming with a few small requests for help.
See, I just moved out of the family home and now I'm on my own! Well, kinda. I've got a roommate, but we do our own thing food-wise and this is where I need your help. I am looking for some super easy yet totally tasty recipes for one or something that can be portioned out and frozen for future eatings.
Also, my first anniversary with Kevin falls on Easter and I have NO IDEA of a cool, clever gift that I can buy/make for him. I made him some awesome Bob Dylan coasters for his birthday last July, and I found a pretty sweet baseball print for Christmas, but now I am at a loss. He might enjoy a painting of some sort, but I am lacking any inspiration. Does anyone have any creative ideas that they are willing to share?
AND we are going on vacation to North Carolina around Memorial Day (end of May for my out-of-country friends). Has anyone ever been there and has some awesome places to recommend? Not that we'll have much time, but who knows. We're spending a couple days on the beach -- and our hotel room is right on the beach, our room faces the ocean, AND it has a balcony! How freakin' fantastic is that going to be?! I'm very excited!!
In other non-pleading news, I've been promoted to full-time at the bank! And my new schedule starts tomorrow! I've got to figure out a way to get used to working all day, every day. The pay checks will be especially nice, though. Woohoo!
What have you all been up to?